My scrapbooking area is everyones in our house. My little people are allowed to use whatever they like AS LONG AS they put everything away when they are finished! I have been known to go completely CRAZY if there is a big mess (that I didn’t make – that might not be very fair – but its the deal in our house that everyone has to live with) The positives of this aggreement far out weigh the negatives. I am showered with albums filled with layouts that they have created – just for me (better then flowers)! I love seeing their stories and adventures through their eyes rather then mine. Their layouts inspire me and remind me what scrapbooking is really about.
I have a spot on the corner of my desk that I display the latest creations on. My daughter Hannah designed this one about me. I have to tell you it makes me giggle! Some of the things on that list REALLY irritate me and are a private joke between Hannah and I! She is so awesome – thank you Hannah. I love you!
That really is special! It is great that she shares your love of this hobby with you!
LOVE it!! I get the little notes from my daughter, but she hasn’t made me a layout (yet!)… will have to show her this one 🙂
Allison Orthner
oh i love it too!!! MY kids are free to use my room too – but same deal – messes equals an upset momma!
Hey how did I miss that you started a blog….into my blog favourites you go!!! Glad you have one, keep on bloggin! LOVE that lo by your kid!
What a great idea to have your little ones create a layout of you.. by them… love the idea