The Summer issue has officially gone for it’s final copy edit to our amazing copy editor Frances Purslow. She does such an awesome job – thank you Frances! Lori Mancini designed the cover layout for us using an awesome photo from Tracey Kendall. Thank you so much ladies for sharing your talent with us!
I can hardly wait to lay in the green grass by the beach!!! How about you guys! BRING ON SUMMER I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have an awesome day everyone.
Woohoo! Lori! Congrats on making the COVER!!!!!! That LO is gorgeous!
Awesome looking!
Thank – you, thank-you, thank-you!! I am so happy and honoured to have my layout chosen for the cover!!! I want to thank you Jackie and the rest of the CSB team for letting me participate!! I am so excited I think I will buy every issue!! LO!
Great cover!!! CAn’t wait to see it!
Congratulations on your cover feature, Lori!!!
It looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I can’t wait!!!
What a beautiful design! WTG, CS!!
And LORI!!!! Girl, congrats on becoming a cover girl – you know I love your work!
LOVE IT!!!!!cannot wait.