I honestly do not remember a more crazy spring! Soccer games, ball games, race nights, final exams, dance lessons and yard work! Man oh Man – we were over the top nutso over here! I am so darn glad school is finished – today was the first morning of not getting up and making lunches – absolute heaven!
This weekend Hayden’s ball came to an end with league playoff’s in Bonnyville! They were awesome! Mr Wilson – you are one amazing man – Elk Point is so lucky to have you!
Hannah had a ball tournmanet in Lloyd and Christoph raced in Saskatoon (thank you Leica and Jim for everything you do for Christoph – we owe you big time!) Christoph was able to catch a game in Lloyd on his way to Saskatoon and I took advantage of the race trailer to get a fun photo of the Rebels! I love this one!
Soccer came to an end last week! I really am not much of a soccer fan – but my kids seem to love it – so I start the car and drive them all over the country and freeze my butt off at the soccer pitch 2- 3 times a week!!!!
Here are just a few fun shots Madeline took for me
Madeline also found some time this weekend to do a funky photo shoot of Hannah African style!
A fantastic weekend! Now I am having a very hard time getting back into the work week groove!!!!
Happy Monday everyone!