Actually – the entire months of Dec, Jan and Feb are HOCKEY!!! and I love it!!!
This year both boys were able to play on the same team…and if your a mom with two or three little players who play on different teams….you know how wonderful my year is when they are on the SAME team!!!! YABADABADOOO!
Tomorrow is our home tournament…it is a ton of work…but soooo much fun! We have such a great group of mom’s – I am lucky to be apart of this team!
Liam is going in net
I am excited for him……but also a bit worried…..look how tiny he is and how big the net is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh well! I’ll keep you posted!
I am so with ya!!!! It’s minor hockey week for us and OMG it’s great but crazy!!!! Wouldn’t have it any other way tho!
Enjoy it while you can. My boys don’t play this year (for the first time) because they are too old
🙁 ! They really miss it and me too! Enjoy your weekend and your season!