This is the first year my daughters are in 4H and I am loving it! I especially have a soft spot for the photography group they are in 🙂 Hard to believe!
Check out this assignment they did – Lines!
They went into Madeline’s bedroom with my camera in hand, a brown sheet and some water paint – BAAM – these are just a few shots that they came out with!
I LOVE you 4H!
Big Proud MAMMA
Just thought I’d drop in to say I got my hands on the new issue of CS yesterday, read it last night, and have nearly every page flagged for great content! Thanks so much. I especially liked your letter from the editor. Inspirational! Thanks!
Thanks so much Kelly! So glad you are enjoying it!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!
This is FABULOUS! Great assignment and GREAT photos and ideas!!! Your girls are rocking it at a very young age!
I love M & H’s creativity! Very cool photos!!
These are awesome, Jackie! You should be so proud of them! WTG, GIRLS!
How cool!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!
I love that you posted something your daughter did at 4-H. Such cool pictures and such a fantastic youth program!
4H is such a wonderful program! My children LOVE IT! and so do I!
Gorgeous photos, Jackie. Very timely subject too. Just watched the trailer for the movie “Black Swan”