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Okay you NEEEEEEEEEEEED this awesome paper cutter and matching scissors from Westcott!!!!!


Do 2 things to win

1. Leave a comment right here under this blog post.

2. Visit Westcott on facebook. Tell them CS sent you!

You have until Friday Jan 27th at midnight to enter!

Good luck everyone!

Jackie Signature


Write A Comment


  1. Marilyn Ritchie Reply

    One can never have enough cutters, one to stay home ready to use, one that travels to all the great ‘crops’

  2. I would love to win this as my old cutter has dull blades and I can’t buy new blades for it. They don’t make the blades anymore. Plus my old cutter is so old that it doesn’t cut straight lines anymore. thanks Canadian Scrapbooker for the contest

  3. Jusst in time!!!!! I need a new cutter and this one looks awesome. Would love to win it! Please!!!!!

  4. Lorie Antal Reply

    WOW would love to win this, tried to buy one at last function I was at and they were sold out. Thanks CS for giving me the chance to win one.

  5. Christine R Reply

    Would love to win this prize, I am in need of a new trimmer – mine can’t cut it anymore!

  6. Danielle Higginbottom-Brown Reply

    would love to win this! my old cutter is dead and Im cutting with a craft knife and ruler!

  7. nathalie Jakubik Reply

    New trimmer would be nice. My old one is hard to find new blades for it.

  8. Pamela Spradlin Reply

    This cutter does look awesome…I know all of their scissors are!

  9. Michelle Galloway Reply

    Ohhhhh… I love Westcott, they have great trimmers….I could use a new one

  10. Sandra Nason-Sewell Reply

    Awesome giveaway and I sooooo need a new paper cutter!

  11. What a nice looking cutter, of course Wescott has a great line anyways, really hoping to win, my cutter is a cheapo, that acts like a cheapo. Thanks for chance to win.

  12. CS and Westcott what a great mix. Super looking cutter and always a sharp pair of scissors. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  13. Brenda Berry Reply

    Sure could use a new cutter. even better when you have a chance to win it

  14. Is this open to Australian residents. If so AWESOMEEEEEE, if not bummmer……these look amazing, bet they would cut better than my wonky fiskars paper trimmer ( I ALWAYS end up with the wonky ones, up to my 4th brand of paper trimmer and all have been wonky – never straight cutting :(…………)

  15. amy-mumof3gurlz Reply

    ooooohhh, I could really use this!! My trimmer has been sticking lately. Another great prize, thanks CS!

  16. Check out that puppy….would love to win that cutter. Mine is getting a little sad! Thanks CS & WB for another awesome WWW!!!!

  17. Claude Campeau Reply

    Whoa, this would be a great cutter to win! Thanks for the chance!

  18. I actually don;t have one and I have never use one. It would be great to win one!

  19. Great paper trimmer and scissors! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  20. Jodie Hardy Reply

    My paper cutter is so old, have I really been scrapbooking that long. This looks like a great one.

  21. Thanks for the chance to win this. I would definitely put it to good use. {my kids would too, they love to scrapbook too}

  22. This would be great in my brand new craft corner. I would so love it. What a great way to start out in a new crafting space.

  23. I would love to win a new paper cutter and scissors. It is great to have more than one as when we get together with family and friends to scrapbook it would make it so much easier and not to have people to wait for their turn to use it.

  24. karen Stallman Reply

    CS sent me, I would love to win your awesome prize of scissors & trimmer.

  25. Judy Hatcher Reply

    Would love a new paper trimmer! Thanks for the great contests!

  26. Rhodora Alonzo Reply

    CS sent me!!! i would love to win this…. can this be my birthday wish..? (wink wink…my bday is this sunday!..hehehe)

  27. Yvonne Nixon Reply

    Would LOVE to have this. Thanks CS & Westcott! Looks like an awesome trimmer

  28. Tabetha Seta Reply

    OMGosh I sooo need a new cutter, and in pink, awesome……and who couldn’t use another pair of scissors. Thanks for the chance to win CS& Westcott!

  29. Oh, do i NEED this pair of scissors and cutter!!! I would be thrilled to be able to add them to my scraproom tools! Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. Cindy Matias Reply

    Perfect timing, I am in need of a new cutter. Would love to get my hands on this lovely pink cutter. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  31. BarbPollock Reply

    I too would love a new cutter & this one looks awesome. Love the bright colour too. 🙂

  32. Linda Gothard Reply

    You’re right, I do need a new trimmer. This one looks very nice.

  33. yes…..I neeeeeeeed this. my paper trimmer is close to 15 years old. time to upgrade!

  34. This is great. Just saw one of these cutters at a friends and so want one myself now. Winning it and the scissors would be AWSOME:)

  35. Just the other day, I was thinking how I could use a new paper trimmer. Would love to win one. Thanks for the chance!

  36. The westcott scissors and paper trimmer are simply awesome and I really really need them….hope I get lucky:):)

  37. I was just looking at my old trimmer last night and said I needed a new one! I guess I can wait until you announce the winners, maybe I’ll be lucky and win one! Looks like a fantastic product! Thanks CS for the chance to win..your prizes are just the best.

  38. Ohhhh, how I would love to win this prize package!! Thanks CS for always giving away such fantastic prizes! Sure would like to be a proud winner of one of them!!

  39. I have heard of the Westcott brand. I like the fact that there are measurement marks on both sides of the cutting line. I would love to win this package!

  40. Ohhh….it’s so PINK (and purple!) I could always use an extra trimmer and an extra set of scissors! Thanks for the chance to win!

  41. What a fabulous looking cutter! I could really put that to good use. My cutter is probably the tool I use most. I first had a Fiskars and now have a Cricut paper cutter. This one says it’s titanium. Cool!!! Thank you for giving us a chance to win this great prize package.

  42. You can never have too many cutters or scissors. One for each room in the house, so you can cut and create anytime-anywhere and one for traveling to crops. Thanks for the chance to win a great package.

  43. Heidi Brawley Reply

    I could always use another cutter. Love the color of this one!!! And scissors are AWESOME too!!!
    Hugs, Heidi

  44. sharon gullikson Reply

    I NEED to win this for my sister. She left her paper cutter at a girl scout event about 6 months ago (she’s a single, working mom who is a girl scout leader–she does THE best crafts with them, among other things).

  45. I would love to win this! I would love to try a new paper cutter for my scrapbooking lot..and so my daughter can use one too.

  46. Wow, would love to win this prize. I need a great pair of scissors, and I need a trimmer, Thanks so much for the chance to win.
    Melissa D

  47. Robbi Russell Reply

    I would love love love to win this trimmer!, mine has seen better days.. I hear great things about Westcott’s

  48. Maureen Bosch Reply

    I would love to win this cutter. I’ve heard so much about them.

  49. Cécile Lavoie Reply

    I can always use a new cutter – mostly one that guarantees straight cuts… Never heard about them but it comes with great recommendation (Trisha Green-Ladouceur).

  50. I would love to have these cutting products. I especially like the colour!

  51. Sharlene van der Helm Reply

    I totally need another cutter and another pair of scissors always comes in handy.

  52. Bethany Hoskin Reply

    Boy this would be great timing, I’m in need of a new cutter!

  53. Wow, would love to win this!!! I am in desperate need of a new cutter!!!

  54. Would love to win this, a paper cutter that cuts straight, if not then it is the user who doesn’t cut straight, lol

  55. Would love to win – I don’t have a trimmer with a scoring blade (using an xacto and ruler takes a load of time) and my old Fiskars detail scissors (which I use all the time) are wearing out after 15 years. Thanks for the chance CS you rock!

  56. Cristy Dockery Reply

    My paper trimmer just died as I made mini books for our entire cheer team. It would be a great gift to receive.

  57. Sarah Levine Reply

    I would live to win this! My cutter is pretty much on its last legs, so this would be wonderful!!!

  58. Margaret Tincombe Reply

    As a ‘newbie’ to this site, congratulations on a fun and informative site. I would like to win this cutter…..looks AWESOME…..maybe, my pages will improve quickly too!

  59. I’ve heard great things about Westcott products and I would love to get the paper cutter.


  60. Awesome – I could REALLY use this!! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  61. would love to win tis prize. Westcott products are great and I could use a new paper cutter.

  62. Love Westcott products, I hide my scissors from my daughters. 🙂 They need a paper trimmer to keep them company.

  63. Joanne gerbrandt Reply

    I have herd so much wonderful things about your products, would live to win. 🙂

  64. Danica Pegoraro Reply

    Okay can I win 2 for 2??? smiling- I was last week’s winner !!! And by the way according to my husband ” I need…” as in I need that paper trimmer is so my saying ! How funny is that? Have yourselves a great day !

  65. Mandy Chisholm Reply

    Need a new trimmer desperately! Would love to win this one, have heard that these trimmers are fantastic 🙂 Thankyou for the chance to win one.

  66. Sandra Bradbury Reply

    Oh, I sure could use a new trimmer and matching scissors! How cool!

  67. I do need a new cutter! Wow, that would so rock! Thanks for the chance to win! It looks like an awesome one!

  68. These look fascinating and would love to have them. My paper cutter isn’t very good and have been needing to replace it. Perhaps I’ll get to try these two items. Thanks for the opportunity!

  69. sweet! I do need a new trimmer and I LOVE LOVE Westcott!

    Thanks for the chance to win 🙂 Love why not to win Wednesday 🙂

  70. Dana Robertson Reply

    I have been looking for a new cutter. I would LOVE to win this!

  71. lori miller Reply

    always looking for new cutters to try! Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. The trimmer looks really interesting with the use of titanium, but what I would REALLY love is a good pair of scissors!!!!! I think Christmas did mine in this year!!!!!

  73. I have a few friends that like to come over and share in my crafting space when we can and a new trimmer and scissor set would come in very handy for our scrapbooking sessions:)

  74. Lori Maloney Reply

    I love the scissors I have from Westcott. I have to say their site is helpful as I had someone recommend them to me. I am grateful and would love to win this weeks Wednesday prize because I have been eyeballing the cuter. Does Christmas come early to Kamloops BC?

  75. WOW, what an awesome prize from Westcott. The trimmer and scissors would be an awesome prize to win. Thanks for the chance.

  76. I’m always looking for my paper cutter, and who couldn’t use another pair of scissors? Thanks for the chance to win

  77. Roxie Griffith Reply

    I would love a new trimmer and it is pink!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  78. Hey….how did you know?? I really do NEED a new paper cutter. My current one is actually 2 halves of 2 different machines put together and barely hanging in there at that. I’d love to win WNWW!

  79. Rebecca Strickland Reply

    I could really use a new trimmer. my other one is begiining to wear out.

  80. I need a new cutter andrhis one looks awesome. I had two and gave one of mine to a friend that lost hers in a tornado. Perfect.

  81. Fiona Rollo Reply

    I am having a love/hate relationship with my current cutter right now and I had planned on getting new scissors. This is an amazing prize package and I thank you for the chance to win it!

  82. This trimmer looks pretty amazing and titanium to boot! Would love to win!!

  83. Cheryl Bullock Reply

    My paper cutter suddenly isn’t square any more. This pretty pink baby sure would fix that problem!

  84. Danelle Lux Reply

    Would love to get my hands on the trimmer! I even have the refills for one that we got at last years Carnival! Now to get the trimmer itself!

  85. This looks like a great cutter. And I love the colour. I’d easily be able to find it on my mess of a desk. 🙂

  86. Oh wow~! Love it! For someone like me who is trying to find time once again in my life for my stamping passion, this would just be more incentive! Love it. Thanks CS for sharing this opportunity!

  87. Julie McNeil Reply

    What an amazing trimmer! My daughter always steals mine, now I could have my own private one!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  88. Love those supplies – Could use a new cutter and scissors – however, I just like reading your blog.

  89. Bonnie Braid Reply

    Love the cutter and scissors, mine are getting pretty old-would love some new ones.

  90. I have a small pair of Westcott scissors and I love them. They are the best I’ve ever used. I would love to win a Westcott cutter, if it is even half as good as the scissors, it should be Great !

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VIP Zoom Crop
Friday November 8th: 7:00pm - 10:00pm MST
Saturday November 9th: 10:00am - 10:00pm MST

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Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - FRIDAY NIGHT!
Time: Nov 8, 2024 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Nov 9th – Saturday
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest Hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - SATURDAY
Time: Nov 9, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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July 12, 2024 - Zoom Crop


Here are the times of the demos
1:12:07 - Demo - Page Builders Club House with Tracy Pounds
Here is the PDF link for Tracy's demo with the instructions and products she used: CLICK HERE

3:03:27 - Demo – Infinity Crafts with April Floriant

Thanks so much to everyone who joined and hope to see you all again on Friday, August 9th – from 10:00am to 2:00pm MDT.

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View the Class Video: Click Here

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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Saturday February 15th: 10:00am - 6:00pm MST

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