Creative Scrapbooker Magazine's Village of Inspired People promotional image featuring a collage of industry experts and instructors. The black background is decorated with daisies, and text highlights 'Join Now & Boost Your Creativity,' '43+ Classes Available Now,' 'Intimate, Interactive Online Classes,' and '100+ Live Demos & Printable Step-by-Step PDFs.' The main image features smiling individuals ready to teach creative classes.

It is DAY#2 of a Taste of CHA featuring Simple Stories and Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L

How it works

1. This contest is all about giving our sponsors some LOVE! NO sponsors NO prizes!

2. During the next 10 days (Feb 10-20) you need to visit 21 of the HOTTEST scrapbooking manufacturers on facebook LIKE their pages and say CS SENT ME. Joining their communities will keep you informed of all things good in the scrapbooking industry!

What will you win – A TASTE OF CHA sample pack worth 400.00$ of the latest product released by each of the 21 sponsors this past Jan at CHA!!!!!!!!!! WOWZERS!

Lets get started!

#1 – Simple Stories

Visit Simple Stoires on facebook – CLICK HERE – say hello from us. The Simple Stories 24/7 collection  will be included in your prize package!

*Please do not continually post the same comment on the facebook walls of the sponsors i.e. CS SENT ME – by doing this facebook will think you are SPAM and stop you from making any more posts. Change the greeting each time. For example – hello from Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine or Thanks for sponsoring over at CS or Nice to be here thank you to CS for sending me or here from CS etc etc.


#2 – Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L


Visit Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L on facebook – CLICK HERE – say hello from us. This fabulous prize filled with our favourite adhesvies will be included in your prize package!

*Please do not continually post the same comment on the facebook walls of the sponsors i.e. CS SENT ME – by doing this facebook will think you are SPAM and stop you from making any more posts. Change the greeting each time. For example – hello from Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine or Thanks for sponsoring over at CS or Nice to be here thank you to CS for sending me or here from CS etc etc.


To enter to win this jammed packed prize that includes products from FabScraps, Canuck Crafts, Simple Stories, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, Fancy Pants Designs, Clearsnap, Bazzill, Magenta, Heartfelt Creations, Westcott, Karen Foster Design, Spellbinders, DCWV, Kraftin’ Kimmie, graphic 45, Stampendous, May Arts Ribbon, Bo Bunny, Susan K. Weckesser, myStamp BOX and My Little Shoebox…..

1. Come back to the Canadian Scrapbooker Blog and post DONE under this post.

2. Participate in all 10 strolls – for your name to be entered 10x in the draw!!!!!!

3. A random winner will be drawn and announced on Feb 24th.


Did you enter these yet? Don’t miss any!!!

#1. A Taste of CHA with FabScraps and Canuck Crafts – Click here

#2. A Taste of CHA with Simple Stories and Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L – This post

#3. A Taste of CHA with Fancy Pants Designs and ClearsnapCLICK HERE

#4. A Taste of CHA with Bazzill Basics and Magenta – CLICK HERE

#5. A Taste of CHA with Heartfelt Creations and Westcott – CLICK HERE

#6. A Taste of CHA with Karen Foster Design and Spellbinders – CLICK HERE

#7. A Tasteof CHA with DCWV and Kraftin’ Kimmie – CLICK HERE

#8. A Taste of CHA with graphic 45 and Stampendous – CLICK HERE

#9. A Taste of CHA with May Arts Ribbon and Bo Bunny – CLICK HERE

#10. A Taste of CHA with Susan K. Weckesser, myStamp BOX and My Little Shoebox – CLICK HERE

Good luck everyone!!!!! You have until Midnight Feb 23rd to enter them all!

Enjoy visiting our AMAZING sponsors!!!!

Jackie Signature


Write A Comment


  1. Beverly Lane Reply

    Done! Thanks for the opportunity to win some fabulous prizes from some fabulous companies!

  2. Anna M. Comeau Reply

    Done,,,,Wow thankful for all them sponsers !! And for CS for giving all us scrapbookers a chance !!! God Bless !!

  3. Kathy Dieterle Reply

    DONE! and they are 2 more of my favorite sites and suppliers.

  4. sarina coffin Reply

    Done! So excited to see all the products in this fantastic prize pack! Thanks for the chance to win these awesome goodies. 🙂

  5. Love it! Two f my favourites in one day! Left comments for both and thank you!

  6. Cathy Caines Reply

    Simple Stories is my favorite these days!! Thanks!!! (oh and all done!)

  7. Jennifer Reynard Reply

    Wow, a package of “Simple Stories” product and my favourite adhesive!! Nicely done ladies! Visited and thanked both companies! What a lovely way to start Monday!

  8. Done and done! I’m going to have a steady stream of scrapbooking info in my stream by the time the weekend rolls around! Thanks ladies!

  9. Cathy Sobotka Reply

    DONE! Thanks so much for the chance to win! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  10. karen oshanick Reply

    done! thanks, was not familiar with simple stories…loved checking out their products and i need some 3d hearts from s.a. 🙂

  11. Donel. Great prizes today and such a fun contest. Thanks for the chance

  12. Crystal Graham Reply

    done..what a great opportunity…thank you so much..and good luck to everyone

  13. Kimpossible Reply

    DONE !!!

    Awesome prizes in 2013 – it’s almost overwhelming.

  14. Barb Boruszczak Reply

    Thank you for the opportunity to recognize the generous sponsors of this contest in advance. Great idea!

  15. marianne kowalchuk Reply

    Done, and i am very excited about all the treasures i am seeing daily…gl to all

  16. Stacey Haniff Reply

    Done. 😉

    P.S. love discovering different suppliers Facebook pages. What a great idea. Thx

  17. Lisa Padley Reply

    Done! Like Stacey, I am loving the different Facebook pages for various suppliers. Love finding other inspiration!

  18. Carol Douglass Reply

    I stopped by each sponsor’s FB page to say thanks, now…Thanks you!

  19. Liz Richards Reply

    Done. Hands up who cannot use more adhesive! Awesome Prize, thanks.

  20. Heather Pitre Reply

    Done. Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome collection of scrapbooking goodies.

  21. Amanda Kalhous Reply

    Done! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize pack!

  22. I love Simple Stories and Scrapbook adhesives! But to be honest I am not on Facebook. I guess you have to count me out if that is required. Thanks for sharing.

    Katie B.

  23. Done! Thank you for keeping me up to date with the latest scrapbooking supplies! You rock!

  24. Janet Dorion Reply

    Done Day 2. Thank you so much for a chance to win these wonderful products!

  25. Shannon ferree Reply

    Done! Everything looks so much fun, I can’t wait to try it all!!!

  26. sarah nicholson Reply

    Done! Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome products!! 🙂

  27. What wonderful products these people have can’t wait to explore some more. thanks for sharing these. Done!!and thanks for the chance to win some great prizes as well.

  28. I already love Simple Stories but said hello to them. I have used a couple Scrapbook Adhesives products and liked them in FB.

  29. Done – not on Facebook but I have visited the sites and checked out the products. Just love the Simple Stories paper … it is great for boys … love it!EZ Runners are my favourite too!

  30. Darlene Whalley Reply

    Done!! Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous prize!!!

  31. Done, on all 10 pages!!! I adore the majority but now I can adore more. Thank you for so much of a wonderful giveaway, its awesome 😉

  32. DONE!! love the great stuffs… its awesome visiting many Fb pages and dropping some love…

  33. Glenda F Dopking Reply

    Done! Thanks CS! Did you see that neat Heart balloon card?


  34. Done! (On day 2, but I couldn’t find this section… Or maybe I did?)

  35. Kathryne Knowles Reply

    Done and thanks for all the inspiration On to the craft room!

  36. Susie Pattison Reply

    Done. I think I missed some “dones”, so I’m making sure! Thank you so much!

  37. Done!!!! 🙂 Good luck everyone. This is an awesome prize package!!

  38. Kristina M. Anderson Reply

    Done and thank you for a chance to win this fabulous prize package. Have a great day!

  39. Kourtney Vallee Reply

    Done! Thanks for the chance to win some new goodies. I love Simple Stories.

  40. Josie Lombardi Reply

    I am done…what a wonderful journey you have taken me on. Found some pages I didn’t know and reconnected with others I did. What a terrific giveaway. Thanks so very much.

  41. Christine Whitelaw