We are leaving Canada for today’s WHERE YOU CREATE…but not too far! Dawn Grossman is sharing her wonderful space and kind words from Delta Junction, Alaska! I know I could spend hours in her scrap room just enjoying the view! Of course all of her organized shelves & horizontal “real-estate” would allow for lots of creativity!
Here’s what Dawn has to say:
Hi! I regularly enjoy your Facebook site and blog. Being way up here in Alaska, and a closer neighbor to Canada than the “lower 48”, I have a special affection for my fellow Canadian scrappers.
My sweetheart and I recently moved into the quintessential log cabin home and I am blessed to have a cozy and beautiful place in our home to do the scrapping I love. Thought I would share my scrapping “nest” as my grandson calls it. My sweetie and I have facing desks which is great as we so enjoy each other’s company.
Always enjoy your site. Thanks!
![We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim[at]canadianscrapbooker[dot]ca. Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog. We are so excited to see where you have been creating!](http://www.canadianscrapbooker.ca/jackie/files/Where-You-Create.png)
We are so excited to see where you have been creating!
Beautiful natural light! Great spot for scrapping!
I love all those windows and all those open shelves 🙂
Love your working view!
Lucky in love. And an awesome scrap room as we’ll. have a happy day Love it
What an absolutely beautiful space and view to scrap – you have the best of both worlds. Thanks for sharing – and hello from the Maritimes!!
What a beautiful space, and that view OMG….So jealous right now….LOL
what an amazing and beautiful room you share.
Beautiful work area and great view!
What an amazing room with an amazing view!! 🙂
This is my dear cousin Dawn, I just love her! When I moved to Alaska she took me in and I spend nearly a year living in her lovely home. I will always treasure those memories! I LOVE this new scrap room she’s created in her log cabin and what a delight to see it here. (I live in Scotland now, too far away… These photos make me homesick haha!) This eye-watering array of scrap booking and crafting supplies are not just for show: Dawn is a master quilter and an incredibly talented woman in so many areas. Once my pre-school children are a bit older I plan on pestering Dawn to bits so I can learn some of her skills. (Yay for Skype and YouTube!) If I only pick up 1/16th of what she knows, I will be very blessed. What a joy to see her featured here, love you, Dawn! (And hello Canada! Me and my now-husband Erlend drove from Alaska through beautiful Canada to Niagara Falls. We will never forget that incredible trip!)