One more day until the official start of summer! We made it! WHOO HOO! Now let time slow down so we may enjoy glorious sunshine, warmth and colour that is ours to take in this season. My wish is for sunshine during the day and rain at night and time off work to enjoy it all! The long days of summer make me want to clean out corners of my home that get forgotten during the year(s)…my craft space is way up on the list of to-dos. I love bringing you WHERE YOU CREATE as it gives me lots of great organizational ideas! Here’s Claudette Nuttall’s creative space with more food for thought!
Claudette share some crafty “yumminess!
For the past 35 years I have had numerous variations of craft spaces. Kitchen table (temporary at best), coffee table, living room floor, my bed, etc…
Eventually my oldest daughter moved out and I snatched up her room. Although it was a definite improvement there was no organized space. Basically just my craft stuff crammed in a room. I commandeered the husband (major brownie points earned) to help me create my dream space.

Now everything is organized and easy to get to. My sister calls it the “craft store”. I am so proud of it! I drag anyone who visits our house in for the grand tour! Thanks hubby!

[P.S.] It doesn’t always look this tidy; all you left brainers understand I’m sure! It is very easy to clean up because everything has a home.
Thanks Canadian Scrapbooker for some inspiring ideas.

Claudette Nuttall
We are so excited to see where you have been creating!
That’s awsome I do something simmular with my stickers except I use a peg board. Feel free to steal my idea if you want. Lol
Love your space! and Jackie – love the new look of the blog!
Just wanted to let you all know the metal flowers were made from pop cans. Also these pics were a work in progress. Tks for the lovely comments!