Happy Friday! This weekend officially marks the last weekend of summer! How will you spend it? I will be packing up and ending our holidays in Nova Scotia. Hopefully my camera will be full of pictures; memories of time spent with family and the gorgeous scenery that surrounded us. It should give me lots of scrapbooking inspiration!
Today Jenn Aguilar is giving us a peek into her creative space. I love her explanation of what her creative space means to her!
Every scrapbooking woman needs a place to create. It has to be a place that is her own and can hold all of her collections.

It is part gallery, part warehouse and part workstation. My room is a place where I can enjoy all my previous projects, share my creativity with friends and do projects with my kids.
This room is more than a hobby space; it’s my personal happiness! This space allows me to be creative – outside of being a mother, wife and project manager.

Even if you are not a scrapbooker, you should have a space dedicated to yourself to discover and develop your passion. *smile* ~ Jenn Aguilar!
![We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim[at]canadianscrapbooker[dot]ca. Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog. We are so excited to see where you have been creating!](http://www.canadianscrapbooker.ca/jackie/files/Where-You-Create.png)
We are so excited to see where you have been creating!
I love how you have the paper on your peg board!!! I didn’t even know that was possible:-) just beautiful
Thank you Kim & Canadian Scrapbooker for letting me share my space. <3 this.