Creative Scrapbooker Magazine's Village of Inspired People promotional image featuring a collage of industry experts and instructors. The black background is decorated with daisies, and text highlights 'Join Now & Boost Your Creativity,' '43+ Classes Available Now,' 'Intimate, Interactive Online Classes,' and '100+ Live Demos & Printable Step-by-Step PDFs.' The main image features smiling individuals ready to teach creative classes.

Brrrrrrr…it is NOT a toasty January day in Alberta. For those of you in a deep freeze…stay warm, for the rest of you…invite us for coffee!

Most of us have settled back into routine after the holidays and I am happy to be bringing back more creative spaces in 2015! As we look into Wendy King’s room today, I hope you will consider sending in some pictures of your space so we can share ideas with like-minded scrapbookers throughout Canada and across our borders!


Yay…I am so excited to send you pictures of my haven. I have been a scrapbooker for over 20 years and my home has my PERFECT scrapbook space.

OK!!! This little “table” table is ADORABLE!

My favourite things are…

My Paula Deen Gathering Table; high and perfect!!! I don’t get a sore back anymore.

YUP!…I can see why Wendy LOVES this table!

My Expedit Shelf from IKEA:

A place for EVERYTHING!



Frames, I LOVE frames:

I’m loving all these frames as well!

I have spent years trying figuring out what I need in my scrap room. I need my family; I do not want to be shut in a room alone with no one else but me. This space is half of our basement!

I have drooled over this hanging storage online!

My husband is in the RCAF; when we were posted here we looked at 80 houses before we found one that would work for us. This house is PERFECT. My scrapping space is bright, BIG, next to family and the colours were perfect for me.

We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim[at]canadianscrapbooker[dot]ca. Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog. We are so excited to see where you have been creating!
We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim[at]canadianscrapbooker[dot]ca. Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog.
We are so excited to see where you have been creating!

Thanks. Wendy Kingwhr


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  1. Glenda Thorne Reply

    Loving your space and jealous of all the room. Great colour scheme, enjoy

  2. Sylvia Telford Reply

    It all looks so nice and neat. My husband thinks I should either move my sewing room or Scrapbooking room (same room right now so have to keep very organized !) to the basement, he will move his workshop for me! Not sure I want to be that far away when I’m doing either craft although being alone and quiet would probably create more crafts being completed! We have a small home so noy much space to work with. My present craft room also hold my big computer and two printers!

  3. Mickey Drake Reply

    Beautiful and so well organized. My crafting space is shared with our storage, but it’s the CRAFTER that is not NEAT! lol I have a 4X2 Costco table that is constantly cluttered with supplies to create with, and I work off a wooden TV table BESIDE that 😛 Your space is so very inviting 🙂

  4. What a lovely large space to play and work in. Love the color scheme, Blue is so peaceful. Looks very tidy too. I can’t imagine having to move the scrap space every time you get reassigned. Keep smiling and creating

  5. Gail Richard Reply

    Absolutely beautiful space to work in. Your organizational style is awesome and I love the colors. They are so bright and cheerful. Happy crafting!!

  6. Lori Pinky Brown Reply

    Is this THE “Wendy King” formerly from Petawawa, Ontario? Love seeing your new space girl!! A great spot to create!

  7. Thanks Ladies….love my space and am happy to share! Yes! Lori…it is me! 🙂

  8. Laurie Brownlow Reply

    Wendy where did you get the hanging storage? I have never seen anything like it,it’s awesome! Your room looks amazing & I love the colors

  9. Hey there – great space! Love the Expedit and the TURQUOISE. 🙂

    I would also like to know more about where you found the hanging storage? Also perhaps a picture of the front when it’s closed? We’re in a pretty small apartment right now and that looks like a great way to stash some supplies, perhaps right in the living room, LOL. Thanks!

  10. Wow! Where did you find the hanging storage you’re talking about near the end of your post? It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for.

February 15th/25


Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE

VIP Zoom Crop

Friday January 17th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

Saturday January 18th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

December 30/24 Online Class

CLICK HERE for the Link for Your Crafty Homework

This includes the eBook and printable materials for the class.
Please note: You’ll need to provide your email address, as Nadine Milton will send the information directly to you.

CLICK HERE for the Link for the Information PDF

This includes the supply list for this class.

VIP Zoom Crop
Friday November 8th: 7:00pm - 10:00pm MST
Saturday November 9th: 10:00am - 10:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Nov 8th - Friday Night
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - FRIDAY NIGHT!
Time: Nov 8, 2024 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87256071707?pwd=F7077MJSL1JLNEK7CMXygrHC0hVAlw.1
Meeting ID: 872 5607 1707
Password: 309205

Nov 9th – Saturday
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest Hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - SATURDAY
Time: Nov 9, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87925186090?pwd=EEPjhi54pyB6YQ3olyaJaYggcGRGxP.1
Meeting ID: 879 2518 6090
Password: 222409

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

July 12, 2024 - Zoom Crop


Here are the times of the demos
1:12:07 - Demo - Page Builders Club House with Tracy Pounds
Here is the PDF link for Tracy's demo with the instructions and products she used: CLICK HERE

3:03:27 - Demo – Infinity Crafts with April Floriant

Thanks so much to everyone who joined and hope to see you all again on Friday, August 9th – from 10:00am to 2:00pm MDT.

July 24/24 Online Class

View the Class Video: Click Here

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

April 30/24 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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VIP Zoom Crop
Saturday February 15th: 10:00am - 6:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Friday Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88479467030?pwd=RFjYOH1FU0knPyKp91EuhAGI3vZ1lM.1
Meeting ID: 884 7946 7030
Password: 458498

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE