Another Friday is upon us, which means it’s time for another WHERE YOU CREATE!
I can’t say tell you how much I enjoy doing these reveals, keep them coming! Our crafting styles and personalities shine through in how we keep our stuff! It doesn’t matter how big or small your space is or whether it is tidy or not, every week I find a new way of storing or organizing something! I love that!
This week we are heading into Lynn’s beautiful, bright space. I am envious of her amazing light that bathes her space! *swoon*
Good morning Kim!
I love visiting other crafter’s space and sharing ideas on how to keep things organized! I would love to share my scrappy space with you today 🙂
My husband deserves 99% of the credit for this room; it was his idea and encouragement that made it happen… (and patience when he put all the cabinets together)
I like having my most favourite scrappy items close to me and “ready to play”, so I tend to have a lot going on my desk. Most times, if an item is hidden away, I will forget about it.
I store my manufacturer kits in large Ziploc bags for easy access. I also have a little “mixed media/sewing/cutting” station… my favourite place to get messy 😉
Lynn Lefebvre
More details and photos on my blog 🙂
![We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim[at]canadianscrapbooker[dot]ca. Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog. We are so excited to see where you have been creating!](
We are so excited to see where you have been creating!
Love every part of it!
Beautiful space!
I love your space – it’s sooooo bright. Happy Crafting in that beautiful space Lynn
Lovely tidy and organized. Gorgeous windows too. Keep smiling and creating
Awe inspiring! love it all, enjoy.
Awesome space!! Once I get my new shelving unit in I will try to get some good photos of mine and send them in. Maybe I can be one of the Where You Create ladies! Stranger things have happened!
I love how big and bright your space is 😀 Beautiful.
I love all the natural light you have in your room. My space is in the basement…but it is still pretty cool. My husband deserves the credit too LOL.
I must admit that it’s really a great gift to have a space you can create in!
Thanks for sharing.