Creative Scrapbooker Magazine's Village of Inspired People promotional image featuring a collage of industry experts and instructors. The black background is decorated with daisies, and text highlights 'Join Now & Boost Your Creativity,' '43+ Classes Available Now,' 'Intimate, Interactive Online Classes,' and '100+ Live Demos & Printable Step-by-Step PDFs.' The main image features smiling individuals ready to teach creative classes.

Today we welcome guest blogger Adel Otto who is sharing her beautiful Bible art journaling.

Does part of your personal mission statement include “Love my family. Live my faith” ? As a scrapbooker, it can be easy to use your creative energy and talents to record lovely colourful memories for your family. I began to wonder how I could use those same gifts to grow in my faith and start living it. I happened to stumble across Facebook and Instagram communities with the hashtag Bible Journaling. These ladies (and a few men) were using their creative talents to dive into the Scriptures to apply color, lettering, scrapbook supplies and mixed media. By using my Bible as the journal, every page has multiple points of inspiration for art journaling. I dabbled, and then dove in. The saying “I was created to create” took on significance as I used my creative energy to study the Scriptures in a new way.

One way to begin with this spiritual art form is to create colorful tags that can be attached to your Bible page with washi or paperclips. You could add a Project Life card with washi to fit with the theme of your favorite verse. If you need more room to express your learning, you may want to use a larger “tip-in”.

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

Where I once took studious notes (which I never read again), I considered adding color to the margins of my bible. I used colored pencil crayons, gelatos, and watercolors. Bibles have thin pages so you may want to test your wet mediums on one of the publisher’s extra pages. You may want to consider treating your pages with a matte gesso or matte medium to stop color bleed through just as any other art journal. Now I can’t stop looking at the verses that have been highlighted.

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

This art journaling in my Bible was calling me to try even more techniques. Who doesn’t love hand cut letters, rub-ons, or all kinds of scrappy ephemera? It could all find a home in the margins of my Bible. My Bible was getting used like it hadn’t been in years.

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

Art journaling in your Bible might be peaking your interest, but you don’t know where to start. Maybe you want to investigate how the Scriptures use a key word like peace. Use a search engine and type in peace Bible verses. Many possibilities will be generated so take one of the passages, look it up and start adding color to your margins. Maybe you just sang a soul-stirring hymn or contemporary song at your Sunday service. Match the lyrics to a verse you already know or maybe the Bible app you have on your smart phone has a search feature.

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

There are so many things to try. You may love acrylics or modelling paste. Maybe your favorite way to add colour is to use a mist. Don’t e-cut leaves make you think of Psalms 1? Pass the Modpodge!

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

Most people are using a “single column journaling” Bible. I just happen to be using my 20 year old study Bible with wide margins which usually gives me lots of room for color. If you don’t mind using an opaque gesso, I have found Parallel Bibles and other Study Bibles have an abundance of room when you are willing to cover a portion of the commentary. There are times when your visual image needs a two page spread so let your creativity soar.

@cdnscrapbooker @aottocafe #scriptures #artjournaling #bible #mixedmedia

I hope this post stirs something in your heart and that your mind and hands see the possibilities of bringing colour to the Scriptures like never before.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful art journaling, Adel! We are inspired!

Adel Otto     Edmonton, Alberta

I’m probably a Canadian memory keeper just like you: a dark roast coffee drinker, Netflix voyeur , a teacher, a wife, and a mother to four teenagers. My memory keeping style is “pretty storyteller”, so I like to capture adventures, transformations, celebrations and now art journaling in a lovely, bright and layered way. I can be found sharing on Instagram : @aottocafe and at my blog “Studio Latte”: www.adel-otto.blogspot.ca



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  1. I have been researching Bible Journaling online and want so much to jump right in. I have not been in the Word enough, and this should put me back where I want to be. Your pages are beautiful and inspiring. Thanks you Canadian Scrapbooker for posting this.

February 15th/25


Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE

VIP Zoom Crop

Friday January 17th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

Saturday January 18th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

December 30/24 Online Class

CLICK HERE for the Link for Your Crafty Homework

This includes the eBook and printable materials for the class.
Please note: You’ll need to provide your email address, as Nadine Milton will send the information directly to you.

CLICK HERE for the Link for the Information PDF

This includes the supply list for this class.

VIP Zoom Crop
Friday November 8th: 7:00pm - 10:00pm MST
Saturday November 9th: 10:00am - 10:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Nov 8th - Friday Night
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - FRIDAY NIGHT!
Time: Nov 8, 2024 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87256071707?pwd=F7077MJSL1JLNEK7CMXygrHC0hVAlw.1
Meeting ID: 872 5607 1707
Password: 309205

Nov 9th – Saturday
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest Hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - SATURDAY
Time: Nov 9, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87925186090?pwd=EEPjhi54pyB6YQ3olyaJaYggcGRGxP.1
Meeting ID: 879 2518 6090
Password: 222409

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

July 12, 2024 - Zoom Crop


Here are the times of the demos
1:12:07 - Demo - Page Builders Club House with Tracy Pounds
Here is the PDF link for Tracy's demo with the instructions and products she used: CLICK HERE

3:03:27 - Demo – Infinity Crafts with April Floriant

Thanks so much to everyone who joined and hope to see you all again on Friday, August 9th – from 10:00am to 2:00pm MDT.

July 24/24 Online Class

View the Class Video: Click Here

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

April 30/24 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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VIP Zoom Crop
Saturday February 15th: 10:00am - 6:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Friday Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88479467030?pwd=RFjYOH1FU0knPyKp91EuhAGI3vZ1lM.1
Meeting ID: 884 7946 7030
Password: 458498

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE