Creative Scrapbooker's VIP Club

Happy Friday! It’s time again for another Where You Create! I really enjoy seeing the submissions we get for these blog posts, our craft spaces come in many different shapes and styles…just like us!

Please keep your pictures coming! When sending us your submissions, don’t be afraid to send large files {we can handle that!} and tell us about your space! What is your favourite storage solution? Where is your space located? Do you share it with anyone? Do you have some neat custom made shelves or are you a super, space saver due to limited square footage! We want to see them all…they truly inspire us!

This week we are checking out Michelle’s awesome craft space, designed by her husband…right down to the colour!

@csmscrapbooker #whereyoucreate #creativescrapbookermagazine #creativespace

The cupboards were made by her brother-in-law as a surprise!

@csmscrapbooker #whereyoucreate #creativescrapbookermagazine #creativespace

Michelle recycled a shelf unit from her previous craft room/office and bought a second hand bookcase and painted it white.

@csmscrapbooker #whereyoucreate #creativescrapbookermagazine #creativespace

The hanging cabinets and wall units were purchased at Canadian Tire.

@csmscrapbooker #whereyoucreate #creativescrapbookermagazine #creativespace

“I wanted a craft room big enough…so if working on a project I did not have to pack it all up to make a card or quilt.  I wanted to be able to multi-craft!  With a big, well-lit cutting area and lots of counter space…my husband made me the best WHERE I CREATE space.”

@csmscrapbooker #whereyoucreate #creativescrapbookermagazine #creativespace

Thanks Michelle

We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim[at]canadianscrapbooker[dot]ca. Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog. We are so excited to see where you have been creating!
We want to see where you scrapbook or craft! It is so easy! Snap a few photos of your space and tell us a bit about it. Email your photos (as attachments to a SINGLE email, please) to Kim at kim@creativescrapbooker.ca   Each Friday, Kim will pick a scrap space to highlight on our blog.
We are so excited to see where you have been creating!




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  1. Ardel Doll Reply

    Love that color of purple and the large working area for more than one project at a time.

  2. Looks like you have a lot of space on your work surface and that everything is nice and neat. You have a wonderful creative space!

April 30/24 Online Class

<!-- View the Class: Click Here -->
View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

<!-- View the Class: Click Here -->
View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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VIP Zoom Crop
Friday June 21st: 6:00pm - 12:00am MST
Saturday June 22nd: 6:00pm - 12:00am MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Friday Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83416492937?pwd=MCaX1jp6oX39J2dSYiszRdeGDcaObf.1
Meeting ID: 834 1649 2937
Password: 177819

Saturday Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 853 5933 9692
Password: 368804

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

To purchase the Craft Along Kit: CLICK HERE