Creative Scrapbooker Magazine's Village of Inspired People promotional image featuring a collage of industry experts and instructors. The black background is decorated with daisies, and text highlights 'Join Now & Boost Your Creativity,' '43+ Classes Available Now,' 'Intimate, Interactive Online Classes,' and '100+ Live Demos & Printable Step-by-Step PDFs.' The main image features smiling individuals ready to teach creative classes.

Kim here today with a twist on our WHERE YOU CREATE feature. It’s time to get organized on the move! Let’s go to a retreat!

I tried desperately to post this feature last weekend while at a retreat; but alas I failed! The wifi at our retreat was at best unreliable and well honestly, my brain was squirrelling every minute into conversations and laughs with the wonderful group of people I was spending my time with! Trust me…there are way worse evils in the world than what was my dilemma!


So today, we will have a big photo share. A share of how “my peeps” pack and lug all of their scrapbooking supplies to a retreat. THIS is real life! Some are very organized, some are very random and some…well, bring everything but the kitchen sink! I “hang” with some incredibly talented people, so I figure if it works for them…it just might work for you too!

Let’s go retreating!

Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
Baskets are a perfect way to tote paper and embellishments and of course the most recent issue of the BEST scrapbooking magazine we know!
Where You Create / Organizing for a retreat / What to bring to a retreat / Diecutting machines
As a group we never lack for the BIG ticket items to join our fun! Die cutting machines, computers, sewing machines and printers can be found near the available outlets!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
We are all familiar with the 12×12 plastic storage bins. These have been a travelling storage saviour for years!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
Portable file folder bins found at your local office supply store can make a wonderful organizer on the go!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / Thirty One Gifts / totes
Thirty One Gifts has a variety of fabric totes and storage ideas…these were a favourite amongst our group!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / Fiskars Paper Cutter
Cardinal retreat rule number one: never forget your paper cutter! BY THE WAY…this particular desk did not look so neat by the second day!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
You can tell we have just begun, our tables are organized and not everyone has arrived. A glass of wine helps to unwind after a busy work day and travel!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / pen and ink storage
Some creative desks are so fun to hang out at! I swoon over the pen and ink storage!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / artist brushes
It’s so important to have adorable storage that makes you smile! I seriously wanted to walk away with this brush holder…but I adore the owner!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / hardware store purchases
Don’t overlook your hardware store for storage ideas! Tool boxes are handy for lots of things and so easy to carry! Too much to carry on your own…trolleys come in lots of easy to use sizes!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
Some workspaces are just worthy of a second pullback view! *insert smiley face”
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / scrapbooking totes
Remember I said some people bring everything but the kitchen sink! …is that a KitchenAid mixer in the back? LOL…we LOVE that this person ALWAYS has everything we have forgotten! It’s important to include at least one friend to a retreat who is NOT afraid to haul everything! *insert heart*
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
This was a super fun storage idea I had never seen! Modular units attach to your desk for easy access, but keep your desk clear! SMART!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
We LOVE these Ikea 3-tiered storage carts
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
Wine and ink storage! This ink storage is perfect for on the go, it was an old ledger drawer from years gone by!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
makeup bags are a GREAT option for storing pens and brushes and small items to go!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies
There are great desk storage ideas that have been around for awhile. These totes are found on many desks…at home and away!
Where You Create / Packing for a retreat / organize on the go / scrapbooking supplies / food table
No retreat is complete without snacks! This is but a SMALL peek at our treats. One of our besties brought a crock pot full of “Egg Rolls in a bowl” for our first night!


Retreats are a wonderful way to break from the stresses of daily to-dos. I personally find a weekend away with people near and dear to my heart energizes me. We laugh until our faces hurt and sometimes we cry because our friends are hurting. We need this release in a safe place, with people we love. I drove home from this retreat smiling as I thought of our silly shenanigans.  I’m certain I have banked enough happy to last  while…and if not, these friends are a text, email or call away! They are my life coaches!


In closing…grab some friends and book a retreat! Be sure to take a copy of Creative Scrapbooker Magazine‘s winter issue, you may want to “scrap-lift” some ideas if your brain squirrels like mine!

Creative Scrapbooker Magazine / Winter issue / quarterly publication / 100+ easy ideas / cards you will love / Heartfelt Winter Layouts
Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Winter 2017/18


Write A Comment


  1. Tracy McLennon Reply

    I love retreats too, and seen all of the packers you’ve described lol
    It’s so important to make that crafty time together away from everything else. I myself would be the organized minimalist 🙂

  2. Hi Kim, what a great article. I just went to my first crop and I just loved every minute. Three days of fun, frolic and no commitments. I was amazed by the amount of “stuff” the ladies hauled to their three day getaway!! But once I was there for a day I realized why all that “stuff” is necessary 🙂 I guess the thing I noticed most was the welcoming atmosphere of the event and the open acceptance the ladies exuded to a fellow scrapbooker. You could certainly feel the love and new friendships were made. I can’t wait to a attend another crop retreat.

  3. hey I resemble that! That’s not a mixer but a KitchenAid one cup coffee maker and some french roast coffee beans. A scrapbooker can’t run out of good coffee!! <3

  4. Emma Mills Mumford Reply

    Great ideas! I don’t want to be the gal who brings everything from my basement scrap area – but I always am! Thanks for the “travel tips”!

  5. I agree, wine and treats while scrapbooking go well together.

  6. Marianne B in AZ Reply

    I love everything about this post! I am amazed by the amount of stuff some of your friends brought! I realize each and every item is important, but when you showed the Raskog, I was thinking, “my word! They packed furniture!” I would love to know more about the tealish colored caddy that was attached to the table. I could see it is made by Tonic. I am on a mission! Thank you so much for sharing so many pictures. They really do help tell this story!

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February 15th/25


Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE

VIP Zoom Crop

Friday January 17th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

Saturday January 18th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

December 30/24 Online Class

CLICK HERE for the Link for Your Crafty Homework

This includes the eBook and printable materials for the class.
Please note: You’ll need to provide your email address, as Nadine Milton will send the information directly to you.

CLICK HERE for the Link for the Information PDF

This includes the supply list for this class.

VIP Zoom Crop
Friday November 8th: 7:00pm - 10:00pm MST
Saturday November 9th: 10:00am - 10:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Nov 8th - Friday Night
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - FRIDAY NIGHT!
Time: Nov 8, 2024 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87256071707?pwd=F7077MJSL1JLNEK7CMXygrHC0hVAlw.1
Meeting ID: 872 5607 1707
Password: 309205

Nov 9th – Saturday
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest Hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - SATURDAY
Time: Nov 9, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87925186090?pwd=EEPjhi54pyB6YQ3olyaJaYggcGRGxP.1
Meeting ID: 879 2518 6090
Password: 222409

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

July 12, 2024 - Zoom Crop


Here are the times of the demos
1:12:07 - Demo - Page Builders Club House with Tracy Pounds
Here is the PDF link for Tracy's demo with the instructions and products she used: CLICK HERE

3:03:27 - Demo – Infinity Crafts with April Floriant

Thanks so much to everyone who joined and hope to see you all again on Friday, August 9th – from 10:00am to 2:00pm MDT.

July 24/24 Online Class

View the Class Video: Click Here

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

April 30/24 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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VIP Zoom Crop
Saturday February 15th: 10:00am - 6:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Friday Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88479467030?pwd=RFjYOH1FU0knPyKp91EuhAGI3vZ1lM.1
Meeting ID: 884 7946 7030
Password: 458498

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE