Creative Scrapbooker's VIP Club

Hello! Kim here with a quick share, my layout based on our December Sketchy Challenge! Creative Scrapbooker Magazine / Sketchy Challenge / December Sketch / Scrapbooking Circles / Ranger Distress Inks Those who go to retreats with me know that I CANNOT focus and get things done. I chat too much, can’t find what I need and “squirrel” around seeing what everyone else is doing! In the moment, I hate that I can’t scrapbook while retreating, but I come home so inspired…it’s just what I need to unwind and get the creative juices flowing!

My friend Kerry gave me the creative task of working with the negative space of her cut-out for a project. Based on the shape…I’m sure it was for her sketch inspired layout as well!


I taped it onto my blank, bright-white Creative Scrapbooker Magazine’s Superstock and started playing with my Ranger Distress Oxide inks! It was the perfect task for my squirrelling brain…no real thought required, just swirling ink on my page. The wonderful thing about Distress colours is that they all play well together.Ranger Distress Oxides / Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Sketchy Challenge / December Sketch

Once my inking was complete, I started to play with some Ranger stencils, stamps and texture paste! Before I knew it, I had a gorgeous base to add photos, this was completed in November.Ranger Texure Pastes / Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Sketchy challenge / Scrapbooking Circles / December Sketch

Creative Scrapbooker Magazine / Sketchy Challenge / December Sketch / scrapbooking circles / Kimberley Gowdy

Then came a holiday, Christmas, work, Creativation…OIY! I finished my layout in January! Life happens…embrace it and smile at incomplete projects!

Creative Scrapbooker Magazine / Sketchy Challenge / Scrapbooking Circles / Ranger Distress Oxides / Kim Gowdy
SUPPLIES: Ranger Distress Oxides, stencil, stamps, texture paste, archival ink TOMBOW Mono Liquid Glue CSM Superstock


Happy Creating! Be sure to subscribe to Creative Scrapbooker Magazine for endless ideas and inspiration! It’s the perfect 2018 treat to yourself!

Creative Scrapbooker Magazine / subscription / newsstands / scrapbooking / cardmaking
Creative Scrapbooker Magazine: quarterly publication



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  1. Your LO is so pretty! Love those leaves and the pretty textured circles.
    I totally get the whole, who can settle down to scrap when there are so many like minded people to chat with at a crop. I never came home with much done but I had absorbed so much inspiration I unpacked the bags and got to work soon after. I have found if I want to make it look like I am doing something when attended a crop I make up kits beforehand. These include a sketch, photo(s), papers and die cuts as well as an assortment of embellishments that stick down or dry quickly. I prefer to not take paints or spray to a crop just because I am terrified I might get something on someone else’s work with a spill or overspray. And it has to be a quick dry glue or else a tape runner only. I have first hand witnessed ‘glue spillage’. Oh so not pretty and not nice to ruin the table at a crop since you might not get invited back! lol
    And often when I work away at home on LOs I use your method as well. Just because a sketch is good in the month it is published doesn’t mean it isn’t as awesome two or five months later. Working in steps gives me a chance to think it through and tweek it a little if necessary. I can sometimes have a couple of projects ‘in progress’ at a time.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely work and your method. 🙂

April 30/24 Online Class

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View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

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View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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VIP Zoom Crop
Friday June 21st: 6:00pm - 12:00am MST
Saturday June 22nd: 6:00pm - 12:00am MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Join Zoom Meeting Link will be available right here on our designated CROP DAY. See you all then!

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

To purchase the Craft Along Kit: CLICK HERE