My sister FORCED me to attend a scrapbooking party – you know the one, where you make a layout on white paper with 2 triangles of color, yes, that one. I never thought of myself as crafty or creative – but 30 minutes into the event I was HOOKED. 3 months later I was overwhelmed. You, see, in the weeks following the party my sister and I had visited every scrapbooking, crafting or stamping store in the greater Puget Sound area. 90 days in and I had too much stuff. My love affair with scrapbooking was going to come to an end before the piles of paper on my dining room table could collect a few weeks worth of dust. I had to get organized! The ScrapRack was born. That was nearly 16 years, 132 products, and over 20,000 Get Organized Challenge participants ago – and a whole lot of fun!
It’s a blessing to go to work everyday totally in love with what you do, it’s even more of a blessing to have a family that tolerates it. My husband Park, 2 sons (London 22 and Maxfield 21) and Parks’ dog Petey (Petey tolerates me, but he’s definitely Park’s dog) have all spent more than a few long days unloading containers and shipping products.
I’m so thrilled to be part of Creative Scrapbook Magazine. I’m looking forward to being able to help CSM readers get and STAY organized. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of finding that perfect embellishment, if you occasionally open the door to your craft room and think – “Ugh, it’s such a mess, I’d rather do laundry”, If you’re tired of buying duplicates – then I’m sure you’ll find value in my articles and blog posts. One thing I’ve learned after years of designing products and teaching classes – we all suffer from the same organization challenges. Please allow me the honour of helping you love your hobby more by helping you get organized.