Hello! Kim here again for a Where You Create share! I am really happy to share today’s space with you because I think it represents a big percentage of people who scrapbook! We all love dedicated spaces with lots of great organizing ideas…but it’s just not the reality for everyone. I like to think of our creative space as a vehicle…it doesn’t matter what you drive as long as it gets you to the destination! Our destination…completed layouts and stories told! Let’s take a peek into Angie Storlie’s creative space! I’m sure you will agree…it’s pretty SWEET! Hi Kim, I am a “kitchen table” scrapbooker who keeps my stuff in a big Rubbermaid tub and a 12×12 paper organizer; in the bottom of my closet. While I would love to have a dedicated scrap space someday, there is something great about keeping my stash to a minimum and having it portable. …
Hello and Happy Friday! Kim here today with a Friday post. I enjoy these Friday blog posts; Jackie gives me this wonderful forum to share with you. Over the next 12 months we’ll mix it up with what we like to call CSM Spotlights or Where You Create. Today I’d like to share the creative space of Ineke Bruggeman. Ineke shared this email with me last summer and I’m happy to have the opportunity to share her space with you. I will make an educated guess that Ineke is from the Netherlands, please correct me if I am wrong! “Hi Kim, I would like to show you my scrap room, or as my family says “Scrapadise”! About 2 months ago [Spring 2016], we started redecorating my room, and this is now how it looks. We have created a lot of space in my room. It is light and I love…
Hello Friday! Hello WHERE YOU CREATE! We took a break from these posts in the summer as submissions started to quiet down. We are ready to get back to sharing your creative spaces again, but need to put you to work! Go take pictures, tell us about your space and send it in! We will start the ball rolling again with our design team member Tracy McLennon. When we last shared Tracy’s creative space she described it as follows: “My crafting area would be best described as compact, organized and chaotic…all at the same time.” Here is what she has to share now. Tracy McLennon here, hi! We’ve recently moved, and as much as I don’t LOVE moving and all of the work it brings. I do love that I got to set up a new craft room, in a much bigger space than I’ve had. I thought I…
Hello Summer! We are already a few days into this glorious season. Our school aged kids are counting down the days to the last day of school, lots of Mom’s can’t wait to put lunch duty on siesta and hopefully your summer plans are shaping up to be just what you need! The days are longer, the sun is warmer and some of you may spend more or less time in your scrap room during this season. While you are there…take some pictures, share your thoughts about your space and send them to us for upcoming WHERE YOU CREATE blog posts in the autumn. WHERE YOU CREATE is having a summer break too, we’ll continue to share your spaces in September! To send us off, Vanessa Chan has shared some lovely pictures of her creative space: Thanks Vanessa for sharing these wonderful pictures of your scrapbooking space, you have…
WHERE YOU CREATE is back again with another sweet space to create in! I am forever inspired by these spaces we share; they make me want to reorganize and clean my own space. I think it’s human nature to always improve on how we do things, it makes us more efficient in our own space. This week, Peggy Grift of Saskatchewan invites us in! I created my little space after I sold my house and moved in with my boyfriend. It’s a basement bedroom, that thankfully was big enough to hold everything; like my sauna, TV, chair and all my scrapbooking supplies. I once owned and operated a home based and mobile store called Scrappers Studio. I organized and catered several scrapbooking retreats in southern Saskatchewan, through this business I developed lifelong friendships. I sold my business 6 years ago and needless to say I still have a lot of…
Here we are again! Another Friday sharing a creative space, I have wonderful craft room to share with you today. Before we peek inside; I would love to have my “inbox” full of submissions for this bi-monthly blog share! I had a computer crash last month and may have lost a few emails & photos in the process. ? Although I have recovered some, I can’t use them yet as I am waiting for more information from the scrapbookers who shared them. So I am hoping you will step up to the plate and SHARE YOUR CREATIVE SPACE! Today we step into Marianne Hansen’s GORGEOUS scrapbooking room! I don’t know about you but I could get lost for hours in all those cubbies, drawers and bins! Thanks so much Marianne for letting us in!
Good afternoon and welcome to another WHERE YOU CREATE. Last weekend was busy, busy with National Scrapbooking Day and Mother’s Day falling back to back! I hope you had a chance to let go of some ‘daily responsibilities’ and just play in honour of you and your hobby. This week I want to share Linda Warren’s space. Linda reminds us that regardless of our living space, if we LOVE our craft we can find a spot to play. Here’s what she shared with us: Hi Kim, This where I do my creative scrapbooking. I used to have a huge room in the basement of our house to scrapbook. My husband passed away in October 2014 and I moved to a one-bedroom condo. Needless to say I don’t have too much room to scrapbook, so this is my spot. It is in my dining room. I use all the leaves in my table. If I am having company for dinner,…
Hello Creative Scrapbookers! Kim here with another WHERE YOU CREATE share. Weren’t we just planning our April Fool’s tricks? How the heck did we get to the end of April already? I know for those of us in Western Canada, the weather was fantastic…I am convinced that time speeds up when the sun shines bright and warm, that has been our reality this spring. Maybe, those of you in the East feel the end of April couldn’t get here fast enough…chime in and let us know! How about in YOUR corner of the world…is time speeding up? This week’s WHERE YOU CREATE takes us to Merrit, British Columbia. Let’s thank Danica Vere in advance for letting us peek into her space. My room with a view has three stations. My mix media is the desk with coloured boxes. My station by the wall has two work stops with supplies, inks…
Happy Friday! It’s time again for another Where You Create! I really enjoy seeing the submissions we get for these blog posts, our craft spaces come in many different shapes and styles…just like us! Please keep your pictures coming! When sending us your submissions, don’t be afraid to send large files {we can handle that!} and tell us about your space! What is your favourite storage solution? Where is your space located? Do you share it with anyone? Do you have some neat custom made shelves or are you a super, space saver due to limited square footage! We want to see them all…they truly inspire us! This week we are checking out Michelle’s awesome craft space, designed by her husband…right down to the colour! The cupboards were made by her brother-in-law as a surprise! Michelle recycled a shelf unit from her previous craft room/office and bought a second hand…
Happy April Fool’s Day! Hope you had some fun fooling someone or being fooled! Life can be so serious…it’s good to have some FUN! FUN is what Mary Jane Rawls most definitely has in her creative space…check it out! After years of scrapping out of bins on my kitchen table, I asked my dad; an amateur woodworker, to create a workplace for all my goodies. I clipped pictures of all the little storage ideas I had seen over the years, along with a pamphlet about the Scrapbox. I left him to it. What I got was a scrap space suited just to me. As I always start my projects by choosing my paper first, it’s front and center, with lots of room for sorting. My pens and tools sit on either side in metal trays just below removable ribbon holders and pegboard. All my embellishments are in see through…