OKAY – I seriously need these! Acrylista Chisel Tip Markers by Zig Kuretake Zig Acrylista is designed for use on wood, stone, ceramic, glass, plastic, mixed media etc. Fun and easy to use with no mess! They are waterproof after drying. Suitable for painting or decorating on woods, stones, ceramics, glasses, plastics, mixed media and more. They are a waterbased pigment ink that is lightfast, opaque and odorless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q-26yCtSmo Here is an example of a really easy way to spruce up your ceramic pots! LOVE IT!Pop on over to the Kuretake website for all the details – CLICK HERE We are super duper happy to announce that Kuretake is one of our fabulous sponsors for The Great Canadian Scrapbook Carnivals this fall. WRITE DOWN THESE CARNIVAL DATES in your calendars Edmonton Sept 7-8 Calgary Sept 21-22 Registration, locations, classes, and MORE information can be found on our website – CLICK HERE! Thank…