Good afternoon and welcome to another WHERE YOU CREATE. Last weekend was busy, busy with National Scrapbooking Day and Mother’s Day falling back to back! I hope you had a chance to let go of some ‘daily responsibilities’ and just play in honour of you and your hobby. This week I want to share Linda Warren’s space. Linda reminds us that regardless of our living space, if we LOVE our craft we can find a spot to play. Here’s what she shared with us: Hi Kim, This where I do my creative scrapbooking. I used to have a huge room in the basement of our house to scrapbook. My husband passed away in October 2014 and I moved to a one-bedroom condo. Needless to say I don’t have too much room to scrapbook, so this is my spot. It is in my dining room. I use all the leaves in my table. If I am having company for dinner,…