Yesturday I spent the day in Calgary with Katharina getting a pile of magazine stuff done. Katharina and I both feel very fortunate that our offices are in our homes! Doing what we love and doing it in the comforts of our own environment is absolutely incredible. WE are very grateful! The day was over the top productive! Just a few shots of what we did! Editing our Web Show with the very cool Shawna! She is the amazing lady who puts together all the slices, makes the music work, fades in and fades out….and sooooooooooooo much more! We had a visit from Christy Riopel – she is the newest addition to our CS team! You will start seeing a regular Colour Corner column from Christy starting in the Fall 2010 issue. Here she is holding a layout she designed for that we will be featuring in a future Web Show!…

My scrapbooking area is everyones in our house. My little people are allowed to use whatever they like AS LONG AS they put everything away when they…
Have you checked out our Hands On! Photography blog? Each month, we post a new tutorial, discussing photography terms and techniques –…