In September, the most perfect wild blueberries can be seen in the barrens and rocks around the coastlines of Newfoundland. Since I was a kid I remember collecting buckets of them. We would have our bellies full by the end of the forage. Later we’d make blueberry crisp or blueberry muffins and at Nan’s house we’d have blueberries mixed with sugar and carnation milk for a treat before we’d head to bed.
Looking back, I don’t know where the years have gone. Those are such fond memories. I haven’t gone out blueberry picking in years. Then one day last month, my father called and asked me to go with him on a whim. I made the time despite my calendar being blocked. I had to arrange baby sitters and carpools but I made it happen with my daughter, Jane and my niece, Sawyer. I said ‘yes’. It took four stops along the highway to find the perfect spot. “There has to be a better spot than this”, my Dad would say. As usual, he was right. While out on the barrens I couldn’t help but feel alive. I was even ashamed that I spent so much money on blueberries at Costco when I had so many blueberries in my own backyard. And I couldn’t believe I hadn’t brought my own children out for a treasure hunt over the past decade. I took many photos trying to capture every second of the story.
With so many pictures, I wanted to find a way to display them and also tell the story. These 2×2” photos are perfect on a 8” x 11” layout. I immediately went to a grid format and quickly ran it through my sewing machine for an extra step.
Most of the embellishments come from the Ali Edwards Story Kits to help tell the story of the day. I still look back at those photos and wish I were back there again. No phones. No worries. The sun shining down, wind in our hair and just on a mission to find the biggest bush of giant blueberries that we could find.
I’d love to see your layouts whether oversized or not! Be sure to tag me @cathycaines and @csmscrapbooker !
Until next time,

Cathy Caines, Independent Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
2013-14, 2017, 2018 Stampin’ Up! Artisan Design Team Member
2014-Present Creative Scrapbooker Magazine Blogger
2017-Present Simple Scrapper Creative Team Member
2020-21 Ali Edwards Guest Story Teller
St. John’s, Newfoundland Labrador
Supplies used are Paige Evans Bloom Street, Ali Edwards cork words, Ali Edwards chipboard embellishments, Stampin’ Up! dots.