We made it 10 years. Not an easy feat. I felt strongly to make sure I included this in my albums despite not having done very much to celebrate. In fact, when we did our family photograph I wanted to make sure we had a photo of just us. Lately I am really enjoying the oversized photos. Mmm! Have a wonderful day! Cathy Caines St. John’s, Newfoundland Labrador http://www.inthecatcave.com Supplies and images used are Ali Edwards Story Kits, Elle Studio Subscribe today to Creative Scrapbooker Magazine-CLICK HERE
Here it comes. The beginning of the Halloween season. absolutely love scrapbooking Halloween photos. With three young children, there are plenty of parties and events. Unfortunately, last year, I didn’t get a chance to print photos. So, here I am a year later getting those photos in albums. I am not going to lie to you… it has gotten me so excited for this month! Like many holidays or events, there’s almost too many pictures. Even after you cull your photos on your device, there’s still too many to fit on a traditional layout. In order to tackle my “I have too many pictures” problem, I always pair a full size photo with a pocket page. It always comes down to selecting your one favourite photo and printing it in oversize. Leaving the remaining photos, left for the pocket page. When looking at my full size photo, this design has…
Hello Friends and welcome to September! It’s definitely one of my favourite months as we watch the seasons change. I was busy making memories all summer rather than crafting so it felt so good to find myself back in my craft room this week. I even managed to squeak out two layouts that I’d love to share with you today. These layouts are both completely different. There is nothing similar about them except that these stories both happened in the same month and year. As a chronological scrapbooker, I tend to have many “holes” in my albums. Holes represent stories that need to be told or layouts that need to be completed. I’ve been on a mission to fill these holes and call these albums complete. I realize that now I’ve opened a whole can of worms so let me roll back for a minute. Is it better to scrapbook…
Let’s talk about all the bits and bobs or the doo dads and whatchamacallits that are lying around our craft stashes. I have been on a mission to get through the little pieces I have or find them another home. Less is definitely more in my craft room at the moment! Amongst the growing piles of unopened packages, I had a pack of coloured wooden circles from an old Ali Edwards Story Kit. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever use them but today was going to be the day that I would try. It took a little while but I went back to one of my favourite techniques where I simply put them in a grid. It seems so obvious when you have too many pictures but why not use it when you have too many embellishments? I always find grid layouts so appealing! It didn’t take long to lay…
This batch of photos is from a Disney Cruise from over five years ago. Ahhh… remember the days when we travelled regularly? Lol. We are a family that go to Disney almost every year and each time we take just as many photos as the previous time. Typically, when I sit down to scrapbook the memories, I immediately get overwhelmed with the insane amount of photos. This time what triggered me to document this part of the trip was a piece of paper from the Echo Park Pirate Tales collection. So yup. Product certainly helps get the crafty mojo going. Disney Cruises typically have a pirate night so I went through those photos and selected some of my favourites from the night. I was going to find a way to get al five photos on this page! Ironically, I lost my sea legs that night and couldn’t attend… which, of…
Hi Friends! I am working my way through some of the stories over the past two years that I felt I really wanted to get on paper. Online school was one those stories that I had left untold. There seems to be so many “new normal” scenarios that I never dreamed we’d have to do and I feel it so important to document them. It’s been a little while since I’ve done a double layout. For this story, I wanted to show schedules and some of the “Google Classroom” rules so one page didn’t cut it. I found the lined paper in my stash – I seemed to be waiting for the perfect time to use it. That time was now! As I played with these photos across both pages, I found a balance that I quite liked. The Echo Park School Rules embellishments worked perfectly with the paper and…
It’s hard to believe its March. Time has been painfully slow but also incredibly fast. These days I am really trying to create every day. I’ve had to be very intentional with my time , often just squeezing in 15 minutes here or there throughout the day. Today’s project took over a week to finalize. I couldn’t find the right balance with any of these three layouts. I would leave them out on my desk hoping for something to jump out at me. Finally, I came across a navy blue piece of paper from Paige Evans Bugalow Lane collection in my stash. This piece of paper helped finish all three of these layouts. Sometimes just thumbing through your stash can spark some creativity. How fun are filters sometimes? This particular filter was supposed to create how you look as a Disney character. It happened to be prior to my baby…
Hello Friends! Well, it’s been another difficult start to the year. I really hope that you are doing well given the circumstances. And of course, using your hobby to help you stay positive. Here in Newfoundland, Canada, we are beginning to open back up but it’s certainly been a slow road. Crafting has been a source of escape for me and has opened my eyes to how incredibly important it is to my own self-care. While in modified isolation, I found some time to create. I was trying my best to fill some holes that I had in my albums including this birthday photo of my oldest daughter, Jane. This oversized photo had gotten scratched. It’s the whole reason why this story had yet to be told. Rather than skip over it again, I put the page together using primarily some American Craft thickers. Maybe I’ll go back and reprint…
Friends. I have three children, which includes a toddler. Boy, is she busy. I simply don’t have time. Not for anything. I am sure this scenario is not unlike your own story. Therefore, my paper crafting story is evolving to fit into my life. Simple and fast. Let’s rewind: Because I scrapbook in 8.5×11”, it means that I have a 3.5×12” piece of paper left over every time I cut into a background. I finally clued in. For every 12×12” piece of paper I cut, I now create a card at the same time as a layout. I try not to put pressure on myself to create a beautiful card but rather a card that suits a purpose. Right now, they all have a similar style or sketch because I am not feeling super wild at the moment. However, not only does it get done but I am left feeling…
This summer, my family and I went on an adventure to the town of Brigus in the province of Newfoundland. Like many coastal Newfoundland towns, its full of beauty and rich with quirks. Usually that translates to a lot of photos being taken. In the past when I sat down to scrapbook events where I took a lot of photos, I would get overwhelmed. Too many photos equals too big a job for this busy mom of three. However, recently I began tackling days and events like this by selecting my favourite photo and printing it oversized. Then using a pocket page or sometimes using a grid format on a traditional page to document the remaining photos. This small change helped me look at this “big project” to a nice and manageable project. In this layout, you can see that I selected an oversized photo of a tunnel showing my…