Happy Monday friends! Anyone else feel like Jan is flying by? I just blinked and Christmas was over. Makes me sad cause Christmas is my most favourite time of the year. But. I’ll tell you what makes me extra special happy…. my Brother P-Touch Cube label maker! Giggle Giggle! It seriously makes me smile each and every time I use it! Adding journaling, sentiments or titles to your project has seriously NEVER been easier when you have the (PT-P300BTAD). This little dude is a GAME CHANGER!One of the things I love about the P-Touch Cube is that the ribbon comes in different width. So you can create labels that are thin or you can create labels that are thicker… all by changing out the ribbon cartridge. You can also change the colour of the ribbon, colour of the font, length of the ribbon, the font and so much more! Make…