Creative Scrapbooker Magazine's Village of Inspired People promotional image featuring a collage of industry experts and instructors. The black background is decorated with daisies, and text highlights 'Join Now & Boost Your Creativity,' '43+ Classes Available Now,' 'Intimate, Interactive Online Classes,' and '100+ Live Demos & Printable Step-by-Step PDFs.' The main image features smiling individuals ready to teach creative classes.

It is DAY#8 of a Taste of CHA featuring Stampendous, graphic 45 and Karen Foster Design

How it works

1. This contest is all about giving our sponsors some LOVE! NO sponsors NO prizes!

2. During the next 8 days (Jan 22 – 29) you need to visit 22 of the HOTTEST scrapbooking manufacturers on facebook LIKE their pages and say CS SENT ME. Joining their communities will keep you informed of all things good in the scrapbooking industry!

What will you win – A TASTE OF CHA sample pack worth  over 500.00$ of the latest product released by each of the 21 sponsors this past Jan at CHA!!!!!!!!!! WOWZERS!

Lets get started!

#1 – Stampendous


Visit Stampendous  on facebook – CLICK HERE – say hello from us.

*Please do not continually post the same comment on the facebook walls of the sponsors i.e. CS SENT ME – by doing this facebook will think you are SPAM and stop you from making any more posts. Change the greeting each time. For example – hello from Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine or Thanks for sponsoring over at CS or Nice to be here thank you to CS for sending me or here from CS etc etc.


#2 – graphic 45


Visit graphic 45 on facebook – CLICK HERE – say hello from us. This Good Ol’ Sport collection could be yours!



#3 – Karen Foster Design

Karen Foster - new

Visit Karen Foster Design on facebook – CLICK HERE – tell them CS sent you!


To enter to win this jammed packed prize that includes products from FabScraps, Canuck Crafts, Simple Stories, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, Fancy Pants Designs, Clearsnap, Bazzill, Magenta, Heartfelt Creations, Westcott, Karen Foster Design, Spellbinders, DCWV, Kraftin’ Kimmie, graphic 45, Stampendous, May Arts Ribbon, Bo Bunny, BasicGrey, Quietfire Deisgn, Impression Obsession and Forg’s Whiskers Ink……..

1. Come back to the Canadian Scrapbooker Blog and post DONE under this post.

2. Participate in all 8 strolls – for your name to be entered 10x in the draw!!!!!!

3. A random winner will be drawn and announced on Jan 30th.


Have you entered all our contest yet?

Day#1 – Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, Simple Stories and Impression Obsession – CLICK HERE

Day#2 – Canuck Crafts, FabScraps and May Arts Ribbon – CLICK HERE

Day #3 – Magenta, Bazzill Basics Paper and Fancy Pants Design – CLICK HERE

Day #4 – Heartfelt Creations and Clearsnap – CLICK HERE

Day#5 – DCWV and Kraftin’ Kimmie – CLICK HERE

Day#6 – Frog’s Whiskers Ink, Westcott and BasicGrey – CLICK HERE

Day#7 – Spellbinders, Bo Bunny and Quietfire Design – CLICK HERE

Day#8 – Stampendous, graphic 45 and Karen Foster Design – THIS POST


Good luck everyone and thank you so much for sending your LOVE to our wonderful sponsors! We wouldn’t beable to have such GREAT giveaways if it wasn’t for them!

Jackie Signature


Write A Comment


  1. Hellen Micklewright Reply

    Would love a change to win this awesome prize pgk or any of the great prizes thanks

  2. Debra Parminter Reply

    Day 8 Done! Good luck to everyone and thank you CS for this fantastic give away!

  3. Ronna MacCormack Reply

    Done! What an great prize from some amazing sponsors – thanks for the chance!

  4. Janet Hrechka Dorkin Reply

    DONE!!!!!! Thanks so much to CS Magazine and good luck to everyone!!! ♥♥♥

  5. Done,you guys are awesome. It was so much fun and thanks you for leading me through all those great sites. Lots of love for you too.

  6. Michele Washburn Reply

    Done! Thanks for sponsoring another fantastic giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  7. And done..that was fun. Thanks for the walk back down memory lane, the kick to my creative butt and the introductions to some new favorites! Was a treat 🙂

  8. Done!! Thanks for gathering such a great array of products for this giveaway. It would be great to win it!

  9. Done, done and done. Thanks for this great opportunity. Absolutely love, love, love all the sponsors!

  10. Twila Young Reply

    Every day is now done. Thanks again for another fabulous contest!

  11. Done for the last day!! Thanks for the opportunity to visit each of the sponsors. Thanks again for the chance to win:)

  12. Aggie Stiefer Reply

    Would be a great day to win all these prizes…thanks so much

  13. Amanda-Dawn McKeown Peckham Reply

    done and done and done.. would love to share this with my daughter and Bestie

  14. julie francis Reply

    done, done, done #8. All complete. So excited to see who wins. hope its me. I will be happy for anybody to win. Just such a nice giveaway. Thanks to cs and all the sponsors.

  15. Jennifer Lafreniere Reply

    Done :0)
    Thanks for the chance to win great prizes!!! Good luck Everyone!!!

  16. Done day 8…wish you all good luck:D i had fun, let’s do this again :))

  17. Stefanie Haluk Reply

    DONE x8. I’ve DONE all 8 days and thanked all the wonderful sponsors. thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize.

  18. Barbara Brown Reply

    Oh my gosh – what fabulous prizes! Thanks and I’m done for today!

  19. nancy carroll Reply

    Done… Thanks so much for finding all the sponsors and fab prizes!

  20. Anita Melin Hopfe Reply

    Done good luck to everyone. I have goosebumps this is an amazing prize. My fingers and toes are crossed.

  21. Susan Huston Reply

    Day 8 is done. Thanks for a chance at this AMAZING prize package’

  22. Nathalie Jakubik Reply

    Done ! 🙂 Crossing my fingers. Had s great time going by and saying hello to all the very generous sponsors.

  23. MaryK Evans Hardy Reply

    Wow – such fun. There was nowhere to post a note on Day 7 [or I am suffering from pre-holiday excitement]. But thanks for the countdown!

  24. Tonya Privett Roach Reply

    Done! And amazing prizes! Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. Done with day #8! Thanks for such a wonderful draw! I am so exited and keeping my fingers crossed!

  26. Kathy Gautreau Reply

    Thanks so much for the giveaways!! I enjoyed every website you sent us to!!!!

  27. Done! Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful goodies from awesome companies! Here in little town in Canada without car it is almost impossible to get something for craft passion

  28. DONE
    Thank you for the chance to win. I’m so excited. All great sponsors and such great prizes. I thanked the sponsors.

  29. Carol Langenstrassen Burger Reply

    Hello again!! I am holfinD thumbs that my lucky day is approaching!! THANK YOU FOR THE FAB GIVEAWAY!!

  30. Barb Macaskill Reply

    Done day #8! All 8 days are officially done! Good luck to all who entered!

  31. debbiesiddle Reply

    Done, although it’s not possible to leave a message with Karen Foster Design as there’s nowhere to comment.

  32. All done! Boy, these 8 days have passed quickly, just like January!

  33. Cathy Miller Reply

    Day 8 — you have wonderful sponsors. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  34. Céline Verdegaal Reply

    Day 8 also done! Thanks for this awesome oppurtunity to win!

  35. Just had a new little visit with todays sponsors and am back to say I”ve done them all. Interesting and fun

  36. Trish MacDonald Reply

    Thanks for this opportunity! I love Karen Foster Design and it was fun to learn about different companies! Good luck everyone!

  37. Done 🙂 Lovin’ this contest & especially today’s Graphic45, as I have four boys!!! Woohoo…thanks for the opportunity to play!!!

  38. Done…These are all fabulous prizes, thank you for this contest.

  39. LaChelle Shown Reply

    All 8 days DONE! Thank you for such an awesome giveaway! I’m so excited 🙂

  40. Done for day 8 and just want to say thanks for such an awesome opportunity to have a chance to win all these great products.

  41. Barbara Briggs Tuley Reply

    DONE- wow even if I dont win, I won, there were some great companies out there that I didn’t know about!

  42. Shelley Lange Reply

    Can’t go wrong with Karen Foster and sports theme from “Graphic”!!

  43. Heather Thompson Reply

    Done with Day 8, very awesome, thank you so much for this awesome chance!!

  44. Susan Knoblock Reply

    Done, thanks to all the sponsors of this giveaway. Hoping I’m the winner and get to try out all the new products. thank you, thank you.

  45. Woof! I am done, took a bit but totally awesome, truth didn’t know all of them so checked out their sites 1st…..found lots of cool things I will be going back to order! It was fun Thanks csm for doing this giveaway!!! KeepIng my fingers & toes crossed!!!!!lol

  46. Nicole Doiron Reply

    Done! Thank you so much Canadian Scrapbooker for offering us the chance to win such a great prize! 🙂

  47. Debbie Dussault Reply

    Done for Day # 8! Now to see you the lucky winner is! Such amazing prizes! Thank you CS magazine for the chance to win such great prizes!! 🙂

  48. Those are fantastic sponsors for this giveaway!!! Sure hoping I’m the lucky winner!!!

  49. Done! Thanks to all the sponsors and thanks CS for organizing this huge giveaway! <3

  50. kimberly clark Reply

    done with *#8!!! loving everything! again thanks for the chance to win!!

  51. Day 8 done! Thanks for the chances to win the amazing price package. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  52. All done! I keep trying to win some G45…hopefully this’ll be the time!

  53. Done! And thank you again for the opportunity to win. I so hope I win all of these wonderful products.

  54. TracyM #6773 Reply

    I’m already a FB fan of each of these fabulous & generous sponsors, so it was a pleasure to drop by to say hello and leave them a big THANK YOU!!!
    THANK YOU for the chance to win some CRAFTY AWESOMENESS 🙂

  55. Penny Kitzmiller Reply

    Done. Wow you weren’t kidding when you said you had wonderful sponsors for this giveaway. This has been truly amazing!! Thank you!

  56. ALL DONE!!!!!! Love all sponsors!!! Love all products!!! Love this contest!!! Love Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine!!!! And of course I will Love all my new products!!!!! ♡♣♡♣♡♣♡ 🙂

  57. Carla Joslin-Brice Reply

    Visited and played along every day. Thanks again for this great prize pack. Fingers crossed!

  58. Sophie Frizzell Reply

    Completed today. Congratulations to whoever wins this prize, would love for it to be me.

  59. Beatrice Lawson Reply

    This day is the best yet, with that G45 and KF and Stampendous…. Left them all love!

  60. Kelly Meier Reply

    Thank you Canadian Scrapbooker for the amazing magazine that you publish! This is the ONLY magazine that I buy or even subscribe to!! And all the great contests you host are interesting and fun to enter! Thank you for all that you do to help inspire me and all the other scrapbookers across Canada!!! Cheers!!!

  61. Day 8 is done! 🙂 Thank you so much for this opportunity and for all the ideas and layouts you post! I love your magazine too! So full of amazing things.

  62. Karen Hayes Reply

    Done for today! Thank you so much for offering this fantastic contest. I would be so excited to win, it would be such a blessing! I’d love to have all the materials and supplies I would need to create whatever project inspires me! This has been fun and given me few days of daydreaming about winning, so thank you!

  63. disqus_cyCU7ajelt Reply

    I have completed them all.Thank you Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine for giving all of us an opportunity to win some awesome prizes. I know I would be blessed to win a bunch of great supplies to help me in my projects.Thanks again.Good night!

  64. Ksenia Yakovleva Reply

    Done the last day! That was very interesting and informative! And of course thanks for your generosity and a chance to win!

  65. Carrie Erickson Reply

    Done! This is so great being directed to all these different sites. Thanks CS!

  66. Karen Addison Reply

    Day 8 done…. now to go back to day 7… spent yesterday in hospital, have to catch up! So many new to me companies to meet and greet!

  67. Done! What a great 8 days of visiting old and new sites. Thank you!

  68. Hope I’m not too late. Great giveaway! I finally finished visiting everyone. Sur
    e would love this prize. Thanks for the chance.

  69. done! It’s my birthday so I’m hoping this turns out to be one FANTASTIC birthday present!!

February 15th/25


Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE

VIP Zoom Crop

Friday January 17th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

Saturday January 18th Zoom Meeting:
Link to replay: CLICK HERE

December 30/24 Online Class

CLICK HERE for the Link for Your Crafty Homework

This includes the eBook and printable materials for the class.
Please note: You’ll need to provide your email address, as Nadine Milton will send the information directly to you.

CLICK HERE for the Link for the Information PDF

This includes the supply list for this class.

VIP Zoom Crop
Friday November 8th: 7:00pm - 10:00pm MST
Saturday November 9th: 10:00am - 10:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Nov 8th - Friday Night
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - FRIDAY NIGHT!
Time: Nov 8, 2024 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87256071707?pwd=F7077MJSL1JLNEK7CMXygrHC0hVAlw.1
Meeting ID: 872 5607 1707
Password: 309205

Nov 9th – Saturday
Topic: Zoom Crop #43 - ArtFest Hosted by Dooreen Rousseau - SATURDAY
Time: Nov 9, 2024 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87925186090?pwd=EEPjhi54pyB6YQ3olyaJaYggcGRGxP.1
Meeting ID: 879 2518 6090
Password: 222409

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

July 12, 2024 - Zoom Crop


Here are the times of the demos
1:12:07 - Demo - Page Builders Club House with Tracy Pounds
Here is the PDF link for Tracy's demo with the instructions and products she used: CLICK HERE

3:03:27 - Demo – Infinity Crafts with April Floriant

Thanks so much to everyone who joined and hope to see you all again on Friday, August 9th – from 10:00am to 2:00pm MDT.

July 24/24 Online Class

View the Class Video: Click Here

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

April 30/24 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn more

VIP Zoom Crop
Saturday February 15th: 10:00am - 6:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Friday Zoom Meeting:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88479467030?pwd=RFjYOH1FU0knPyKp91EuhAGI3vZ1lM.1
Meeting ID: 884 7946 7030
Password: 458498

Zoom Crop Information PDF: CLICK HERE

FREE Layout Template Guide: CLICK HERE