Creative Scrapbooker's VIP Club

WINNER UPDATE – Congrulations to Jamie Larson! This weeks lucky winner!!!!


It is Wednesday and we love giving stuff away EVERY SINGLE WEDNESDAY!!!!! This week we are giving away 5 SPOOLS of ribbon of your choice from the wonderful people at May Arts Ribbon! That is about 125$ worth of gorgeous ribbon! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


This prize could be yours! Why not eh????


Visit May Arts Ribbon  on facebook – CLICK HERE – Say hello from Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine!

To enter to win this contest leave a comment right here under this blog post.

You have until Friday March 8th  at midnight to enter!

Good luck everyone!

Jackie Signature


Write A Comment


  1. I *heart* ribbon of every colour and size and shape! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Tracy McLennon Reply

    Omg ong ong……how I would love to win this! LOVE!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. Christina gillespie Reply

    Wow that is amazing that would be the coolest thing to have!!

  4. i would love to win this -you can never have to much ribbon – thanks!!!! for the chance-i hope i win win win this … karen

  5. Jennifer Reynard Reply

    Ribbon, did someone say ribbon!!!!?? Absolutely love May Arts ribbon and was just playing with some yesterday! Would love to win a few more spools!! 🙂

  6. You can never have too much ribbon (and a view at my stash will support that fact LOL). There’s so much you can do with it. Thanks for the chance to win more!!

  7. Ribbon is my favourite embellishment – this would be such an awesome prize to win!

  8. Those ribbons are lovely! Would love to be the lucky winner.
    Thanks for the awesome prize packs you put together

  9. Betty Weaver Reply

    WOW what an awesome prize! Thanks for the chance to win it and good luck everyone 🙂

  10. Love that pic – I need to reorganise my ribbon collection right now! Another wonderful prize!

  11. Mat arts ribbons are always awesome…. ur too awesome to giveaway those…. thanks for the chance…

  12. Suzane Richmond Reply

    OMG, look at all that ribbon. How beautiful is that prize!!

  13. Shauna Stotts Reply

    I am a ribbon hoarder so would love more ribbon 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win more!

  14. Carol Vivenzio Reply

    Thia ia so exciting. I would love the chance to choose 5 rolls of your gorgeous ribbons! Thank you very much!

  15. Lee-Anne Dzeoba Reply

    OMGosh what a great prize!!! wowza to the ribbon collection! so exciting 🙂

  16. Susan Bullock Reply

    LOVE LOVE LOVE ribbon!!! Thanks for the chance to win ~ did I mention I love ribbon 🙂

  17. Debra Meyer Reply

    cripes I could have some serious fun with this ribbon making goodies for my family

  18. Patricia Newton Reply

    Did You say RIBBON!!!! We all have to have spools of it!!! Thank You for the yards of a chane!!!hugs xxx

  19. Yes! I’m always looking for more ribbons to use. Thanks for the chance!

  20. Francine Racette Reply

    I’m a ribbon addict so this would be a wonderful prize.

  21. Wow..look at all that ribbon, you can never have to much ribbon!!!

  22. Rhonda Caissie Reply

    My daughter and I love ribbon!!! This would be so awesome to win 🙂

  23. Jennifer Gagne Reply

    Ribbon makes me happy! Thanks so much for another great prize 🙂

  24. Heidi Brawley Reply

    LOVE their Houndstooth ribbon they have on their cover photo!!!!!!!!! Would LOVE to win this Amazing prize!

  25. Melissa McFarlan Reply

    Beautiful ribbons, thanks CS for introducing me to this great company!

  26. Dina Nelson Reply

    I LOVE ribbon, not only does it add so much to a SB page or a card but it adds so much to tons of other projects too! I say it is like the icing on the cake. I also LOVE this ribbon rack! I need, want and have to get one! Thanks for sharing! I pray I will win the best prize! Thanks!

  27. Woo-hoo….I would love to win on this dreary wednesday….just the thought brightens the day!

  28. Ribbon, yes that’s my favourite thing to use on a card. I’d love a roll of polka dotted happiness or 5!

  29. Adding to my ‘stash’ would be fabulous. I’m always looking for new ribbon!! Thanks for the contest!!

  30. Catharina Steward Reply

    I would love to have this wonderful prize. Thanks for coming out with this awesome contest!

  31. May Arts Ribbon always adds that little bit of WOW to a project!!! Love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  32. We’ve just bought our first home and I get to set up a scrap/craft studio. I’m thinking a ribbon wall would be marvelous. 🙂

  33. Karen Magnuson Reply

    I am a total ribbon whore and this would be an AMAZING SCORE! Thanks for the chance to win, even thinking about it is making me happy!

  34. Mindy Smith-Bernard Reply

    Ribbon is my kryptonite. Thanks for the chance to add to my addiction!!

  35. Fanterra Fisher Reply

    Oh wow! How spectacular! Love all the colors. What a great way to craft and spice up any gift. Thanks!

  36. Sandy Lewis Reply

    This is exactly what I need to finish off my craft room! I was working on some cards yesterday, and I went looking through my ribbon to finish them off… did I have the right kind of ribbon? NOPE! I was so disappointed. Please choose me so I won’t be disappointed and can finish those cards 😉

  37. Thanks so much for thechance to winthisgorgeous prize!! Ive already liked May Ribbons 🙂

  38. Nothing completes a layout or card better than adding ribbon! I LOVE ribbon!!

  39. Mary-Jane D. Reply

    Needing some ribbon for my cards – would be wonderful to win!

  40. Cathy Sobotka Reply

    What a wonderful, colorful prize! Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful ribbon!

  41. Marilyn Ritchie Reply

    Let’s wrap this up with beautiful ribbon, thanks for the chance to win!

  42. Carol Schlosser Reply

    Ops I meant “Canadian Scrapbooker” but I’m still in the wrong place!!!

  43. Pat Goddard Reply

    Love Maya Ribbons! Told them Hello from you. Thanks for the chance to win!

  44. Lee Ann Byrt Reply

    I would love that whole display in my craft room…wowzwers!!!

  45. Marilyn Tucker Reply

    Wow, I can always use new ribbons! Love decorating cards and pages with it!

  46. I have really grown to <3 ribbon over the last couple of years. 🙂

  47. “I’d walk a mile for some ribbon.” (Hopefully the person reading this is about the same age as me or the sentiment is totally lost.) LOL

  48. I love ribbon I use it on every page I do, ribbon is my drug of choice!! Just recently my favorit scrapbook store closed, I very said day. I would love to win this prize!!

  49. Anne Girard Reply

    this is an awesome prize. can anyone ever have too much ribbon or bling? would love the storage cupboard too! thanks for the chance to win.

  50. Danelle Lux Reply

    I love ribbon and have a slight addiction to it so would love this one!

  51. I love My Arts and really like the idea of choosing my own ribbon prize-thanks heaps for the chance to win! Have a great day!

  52. I am soooo addicted to ribbon! I love that you are such an enabler! Would love to add this to my scrap space so thank you so much for the chance to win.

  53. Ribbon! This is one staple of scrapbooking that I do not have very much of on hand! Thanks for the chance 🙂

  54. Barb Belisle Reply

    Love that ribbon comes in such a rainbow of colors to add punch to a page or a card. I love the storage idea pictured almost as much! Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. Arlene Rust Reply

    I am so addicted to ribbon! will try and add it into most of my layouts.

  56. Sue Rutledge Reply

    I need some ribbon like this for an upcoming project…thanks for gving me the chance. Luv it!

  57. I just love May art ribbon,
    It would be fantastic if I could win
    this. My problem, I hate using them
    but in the end I do.

  58. Wednesdays are made fabulous by these chances to win! Thanks for the opportunity! Ribbon rocks!

  59. Janet Richmond Reply

    Love all the May Arts Ribbons!!!!! Love to use ribbon on my cards.

  60. I have a spool of ribbon that I’m eking out slowly since I’m almost through it. It’s my fav ribbon and it’s a May Arts ribbon.

  61. Amy Jones#8546 Reply

    I love their ribbon. Said a hello from you to them and also thanked them. Thanks for the chance. HUGS

  62. Wow. I would love to win such an awesome prize. Good luck to everyone!!! This is so much fun! I would like to leave you with the quote I have on my ribbon shelf…”Gifts come with ribbons, not strings.”

  63. Denise Bryant Reply

    Already a big fan of May Arts! Their ribbons and trims are fantastic!

  64. Sandy Drummond Reply

    Who doesn’t love beautiful ribbons? What a great prize. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  65. Carol Tenney Reply

    Wow! What a fabulous prize! Ribbon is the one supply I am seriously lacking in, so I’m really keeping my fingers crossed!

  66. I am exploring creating fashion items and embellishments made out of ribbon, so this is an opportunity to expand those creations! Thanks!

  67. Linda Vincent Reply

    I love ribbon, ribbon, ribbon. If I could I would put ribbons and bows on everything in the house. I love to add ribbon to lamps, wine glasses, picture stands, wine bottles, mirrors, big glass vases of twigs, on antiques and chandeliers. Everything! Throughout the year I get ribbon on all of it. I love the way that some ribbons curve and billow and trail. I love that some ribbon is soft and flowing and quiet while other ribbons are bold and are pouffy and really make a statement. One can never get too much ribbon!

  68. One can NEVER have too much ribbon! lol! What an awesome chance to win some ribbon!

  69. Yummy ribbon, my favorite embellishment! Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. I use ribbon on almost everything I make so I know I’d get some use out of this giveaway!

  71. Just put in a ribbon spool into my scrapbooking centre which could be filled up beautifully with winning the ribbon from this prize pack!!!

  72. Kelly dahlin Reply

    Ribbons are so fantastic on a page ! Love love live this contest! I pray I win so I can add these fantastic ribbons to my pages

  73. My name is Jenice…and I am a ribbon hoarder! Thank you for offering this giveaway.

  74. Emma Hubbard Reply

    I LOVE RIBBON!!!, What ever shape,style,colour,texture,size
    I LOVE IT ALL….lol. ..xxxx…

  75. Thanks for the chance to win, it would be fun to pick out so much great ribbon 🙂

  76. Laura Eadon Reply

    I am a ribbon junkie! I have Tons of may arts ribbon and would love more!

  77. Dawn Hueser Reply

    Thank you for the chance to win the amazing ribbon collection……..I might in share with a few of my favourite scrapping pals.

  78. Bonnie MacGillivray Reply

    I LOVE RIBBON!!! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing bundle of ribbon.

  79. Can never have too much ribbon. It just completes the project…love it!!!

  80. Janet Villa Reply

    Pinch me, I must be dreaming about ribbons! Love it all. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  81. Judy Estrada Reply

    Ribbon, why not eh? Jackie thank you for a chance to win! They have some pretty ribbons!

  82. Barb Patterson Reply

    Oooooh….I would LOVE ribbon…lots of ribbon…for card making and scrapbooking and crafts…and ooooh…the options are endless! 🙂

  83. Terri Schaefer Reply

    I LOVE ribbon! I need a shelf unit like this for my ribbons … did I mention that I LOVE ribbon?

  84. Julie Verbicky Reply

    I use ribbon in almost all my layouts. Thank you for a chance to win!

  85. Ribbons….love them….My favourite <3
    Thanks for the great chance !
    Ow….my fingers are crossed.
    Hugs, Anreda

  86. Lori A. Geise Reply

    Wow!! Does that wonderful ribbon rack come with it? I would love to win this prize package with or without the rack.

  87. Linda Vigil Reply

    What visions come to mind with the chance to WIN a prize like this

  88. karen oshanick Reply

    hello, my name is karen and i’m a ribbon-holic with no intention of curing my illness…teehee! btw, i’m blaming my addiction on may arts…i used to work in a craft store and one of my “jobs” was ordering from may arts…would love to win!!!

  89. Alice Robert Reply

    I would love to win some of your awesome ribbons to add to my collection for my scrapbooking.

  90. Josie Lombardi Reply

    Oh, what I could do with all that pretty ribbon..thinking positive thoughts…

  91. Kathy Gautreau Reply

    Sure beats throwing all your ribbon in a basket like I do!!!! LOVE IT!!

  92. Wow, that sounds amazing! I love May Arts Ribbon! Thank you so much for this giveaway.

    Katie B.

  93. Gosh! What a fabulous giveaway! Love May Arts Ribbons. So versatile and useful. Thanks for the chance to win

  94. Beatrice Lawson Reply

    Just seeing that wall of pretties makes me happy! Would dearly love to win! Thank you and May Arts!

  95. Oh my look at all the yummy ribbon!!!! Ribbon-y goodness! Thanks so much 😀

  96. Now that would be exciting to win..some May Arts amazing ribbon..thinking burlap :)thanks for a chance!

  97. Marie-Claude Reply

    I never get tired of looking at the picture with all the May Arts ribbons!!! So much deliciousness!! 🙂

  98. Carol Douglass Reply

    I love fibers and ribbon and May Arts has such a wonderful variety. Thanks for the chance to win.

  99. Tammy Valley Reply

    Another fantastic giveaway! May Arts has great products! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  100. A girl can never have too much ribbon! Thanks for the chance to win! Eek!

  101. sarina coffin Reply

    I am a ribbon fanatic! So many colors and patterns to chose from and so many projects to use it on. Tons of fun!! I would love to win! 🙂

  102. Deb Fagnant Reply

    A girl can never have to “much” ribbon!! Thanks for this opportunity to win ALOT of ribbon.

  103. Thanks for the opportunity to win this prize package of gorgeous ribbon!

  104. Said hi to May Arts. What a fabulous prize. Thanks so much for the chance to win it.

  105. Thanks for a chance to win these great goodies. I love May Arts ribbon!!

  106. Karen Schroeder Reply

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!!! If I win I’d be in ribbon heaven!

  107. Woo-Hoo!! I luv ribbon! (And now that I have a baby girl I can use even more!!

  108. Melinda Nowak Reply

    Ribbon, love it! Use it in scrapbooks, as accessories for my daughters hair….wonder what other uses I can come up with.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  109. Kailee Bickford Reply

    Woo!!! Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous ribbon!!!

  110. Aaron Jardine Reply

    Ooohh!!! I’m just getting started with ribbon!!! Love love love

  111. Tracey Peddle Reply

    I have so many rolls of ribbons in bags…. this would be heaven!

  112. There’s always room for more ribbon…..especially May Arts Ribbon!

  113. Clara Hannah Reply

    Just starting out working with ribbon, use to fear it lol…this prize would be a good thing to make me more brave. Have a happy scrappy day

  114. Very Awesome prize….I’m new to using ribbon, and I love it…thank you for offering up such fabulous prizes 🙂 You Rock!

  115. alexis c-smith Reply

    OMG what an amazing offer…I just love all of Maya Roads products! Thank you for this great prize!

  116. Rebecca Daly Reply

    I would really really really really like to win this prize. I love working with ribbon and this prize would totally make my day!!!!! thank you

  117. What a great give-away!! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!

  118. Christina Koenig Reply

    Your give-aways are always so great. Thanks for the chance to win.

  119. Beth Griffith Reply

    Ribbons and bows make everything better…just saying’ Thanks for the chance to win such a fabulous product.

  120. RIBBON RIBBON RIBBON! I <3 RIBBON. Thanks for the chance at winning a great prize. 🙂

  121. kelley scott Reply

    love me some ribbon. husband is gonna have to make me something to keep it all.

  122. Susanne Hamlin Reply

    Ribbon for, cards, scrapbooking and little girls hair. Got to love ribbon.

  123. That is a great gift! You are so generous! Thanks for the opportunity!

  124. Barbara Doyle Reply

    Just found out I am going to be a grandmother for the first time….think of all of the lovely projects I could make with such beautiful ribbon?!?!? Thanks for the opportunity to win and the inspiration.

  125. Sandy Bayles Reply

    Would be great to win… Everyone likes to win..Good Luck to everyone…………..

  126. Kari Cosentino Reply

    That is such a gorgeous collection of ribbon it makes me happy just looking at it! I’d be ecstatic to win some. Thank so much for the chance.

  127. sylvie thibodeau Reply

    wow! how fantastic would this be! Thank you…i love a great ribbon giveaway.

  128. joke van roon Reply

    Love al kinds of ribbon, trim, laces small, laces al colors. I am a ribboholic.

  129. Melanie Salmon Reply

    I admit it! I have a WEAKNESS for RIBBON! LOTS & LOTS of RIBBON!! YAY! Can’t wait for March 8th!

  130. June Schmidt Reply

    how wonderful it would be to have that choice of ribbons when doing projects…..thanks for the chance to win…

  131. Janetta Zeimetz Reply

    Ribbon, ribbon, and more ribbon. I really believe you can’t have enough! I love being able to incorporate ribbon into my projects. May Arts ribbon looks very sweet. Thanks for the chance to win!

  132. There is never too much Ribbon is my moto – and since I am creating all these really cool ribbon shape cards I am getting low!! You know, Crafter low! thanks for a chance to fuel my obsession!

  133. This ribbon would be just what I need for my starter business! The choices are AMAZING and I appreciate the opportunity to enter 🙂 Thanks!

  134. My stock of May Arts ribbon is getting low, so i could use a boost of new releases to add to the collection. Thanks for sharing the love

  135. I would love to win this ribbon for my baby girl’ bows :)!! Love it!!

  136. May Arts ribbons are THIS best. I LOVE my ribbon and use it all the time. thanks for the chance!

  137. I love all of May Arts ribbon. If I win this prize it will take awhile to decide what I want – I want it all. thanks for the giveaway.

  138. Kathy Porter Reply

    Love ribbon!! This would be great to have!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  139. Ribbon is my absolute favorite!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!! 🙂

  140. Charlene O. Reply

    I am pledging this now…if I win this fantabulous prize, I promise to share with my two best friends 🙂 Good karma = winner? 🙂

  141. Kymberley Machamer Reply

    Absolutely love her ribbons!! and a girl can never have too many ribbons !!!

  142. Wow…what a range of ribbons, would be perfect to make pretty bows for all little girls 🙂

  143. My daughter would absolutely love it if I won this prize. She has become quite the bow-maker….making bows for her cheerleader friends as gifts…and just recently made a set of 15 bows for a synchronized skating team which placed first in provincial competition. I think it had a lot to do with the bows! If I win this prize it would help with the strain on my wallet. Ribbon is expensive! And one good thing for me is that I get all her leftover ends which I can use on scrapbook pages. 🙂

  144. I am a ribbon junkie… love it, can’t get enough! Would so love to win this!

  145. What a wonderful collection…..I have only a few selected pieces as I cannot afford a lot. I only get when absolutely needed.

  146. I’m a ribbonoholic too, another great prize. Thanks for the chance to win CS & May Arts

  147. Debbie Dussault Reply

    What an amazing price! You are so generous!! Thank you for the chance to win!! 🙂

  148. 5 spools of ribbon! Wow, what a great prize. Never have enough ribbon!

  149. Jocelyn Turner Reply

    Love the ribbon storage, looks so good. So glad it is sorted into colours as it helps my OCD process more easily! The ribbon is truly gorgeous!

  150. Wow, Weezie wildly whips her wig around to her wonderment and go wacky over WHY NOT WIN WED!!!
    I LOVE THAT RIBBON!!! (and that holder too) Thanks for the chance to win these!!! Weezie

  151. Penny Davis Reply

    Holy Ribbon Batman!! Love it I want to copy this in my craft room!!!

  152. Jerrilyn McClellan Reply

    I use a lot of ribbon on my cards. This is a great prize

  153. You can never have too many spools of ribbon. I would love to win this. Thanks for a great contest

  154. Regina Doyle Reply

    Well, I suppose it’s a case of one in a million chance looking at how far down the list I am. Still love ribbons!!!!!!

  155. Dawn McConnell Reply

    A girl can never have too much ribbon, thanks for the chance

  156. melanie kuzik Reply

    Oh what beautiful ribbon and such fab clours. Thanks for sharing

  157. I would love a chance to win some beautiful ribbons from may Arts! Thanks!!

  158. Naomi A. Of CO Reply

    Gosh…this is incredible as my ribbon collection is extremely limited! This would be amazing to have a collection of the best ribbon available in the market! Keeping my figures crossed!

  159. lori butler Reply

    wow, this is amazing, i’d be like a kid in a candy store, not sure which one to use first..

  160. Melissa Burud Reply

    A man saying you have enough ribbon is like them saying you have enough shoes! You can never have enough!

  161. Amy Gehring Reply

    I love ribbon!! Thanks for the chance to win more for my stash!! 🙂

  162. Jamie Larsen Reply

    I’d love to win this amazing prize I love ribbon! Thanks for the chance to win.

  163. Bonnie Chartrand Reply

    I would love to own a ribbon rack like this for my scrapbooking & card making projects. I don’t have many ribbons so I would definitely put this to good use. Thanks 🙂

  164. Would love to win this prize! I love ribbon and one can never have enough!

  165. Lori Hughes Reply

    Wonderful giveaway of ribbon! My stash is running short…this would sure fill it up again! Thank u

  166. Tasha Leepart Reply

    I will try not to drool on my phone. But that is a beautiful collection! Crossing my fingers.

  167. Kathy Dieterle Reply

    Grandbabies pages will looks so amazing with all that ribbon. Thanks CS and May Arts Ribbon.

  168. I can NEVER have toooo much ribbon!!! This would be so awesome! I use ribbon on ‘almost’ all of my projects! Thanks for the chance!!!

  169. such beautiful ribbon. I’m drooling. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  170. Catherine Coughlan Reply

    Wow, what a great collection of ribbon – sure would be great to win. Thanks for posting these contests and hopefully I will one day 🙂

  171. Ashley Marie Reply

    This is a great contest! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  172. Sandi Marson Reply

    Fantastic prize, who doesn’t need more ribbon!???
    Thanks for the chance to win!

July 12, 2024 - Zoom Crop


Here are the times of the demos
1:12:07 - Demo - Page Builders Club House with Tracy Pounds
Here is the PDF link for Tracy's demo with the instructions and products she used: CLICK HERE

3:03:27 - Demo – Infinity Crafts with April Floriant

Thanks so much to everyone who joined and hope to see you all again on Friday, August 9th – from 10:00am to 2:00pm MDT.

July 24/24 Online Class

View the Class Video: Click Here

View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

April 30/24 Online Class

<!-- View the Class: Click Here -->
View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

December 9/23 Zoom Crop

8 Hour Zoom Crop: Click Here

After Hours Zoom Crop: Click Here

September 27th/23 Online Class

<!-- View the Class: Click Here -->
View the Info PDF: Click Here

Link to purchase the Craft Along Kit: Click Here

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VIP Zoom Crop
Friday August 9th: 10:00am - 2:00pm MST

You will need the ZOOM App on your computer or phone.

Join Zoom Meeting Link will be available right here on our designated CROP DAY. See you all then!